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Aaron's Rod
great, or common mullein [Verbascum thapsus ]. The one you see at the roadside; silvery furry little rosette in fall and winter, enormous weedy flower with small yellow blossoms in the summer. Has astringent and emollient properties. Looks faintly like tobacco. It has been smoked to treat cough (no irony there.) Still don't know why is is called Aaron's rod. For additional common names see …
actor names (unique?)
"SAG makes every effort to avoid enrolling members with the same name or with very similar names. Because the list of available names changes daily, it would not be helpful to you for us to research your name choices before you join. During your joining appointment, we will ask you for three alternate name choices, in case your first choice is not available. A final name-availability check is done at the time the initiation fee is paid. Only then can an applicant be assured of having a particular professional name." - SAG-AFTRA FAQ
actin filament
one of the thin contractile myofilaments in a myofibril.
Prefix indicating from, away from, or off, as in abduction (movement of a limb away from the midline of the body) and abnormal (away from normal).
ab ovo
from the beginning [L. ab ovo: from the egg]
Prefix denoting:
  • motion or direction: advance, adduce, advise; also ascend, arrest.
  • or reduction or change into: adapt, adulterate; also accede.
  • or addition, or intensification: addition, adhere, admixture; also acquire, affiliate, aggregate, appall
[Latin ad, to. Descriptions of how ad- is changed to ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, & at in various words suggest to the common man, that a- is the principle, or or a- + after which some consonant is then roped in as a helper capable of assisting the a to flow smoothly, yet with distinction into the remainder of the word. This is my own observation, not what the etymologists say.]
suffix; forming element in nouns with Greek origin:
  • in collective numerals: triad
  • in groups, periods, or aggregates: Olympiad
  • in names of poems, compositions, or females in classical mythology, : Iliad, Jeremiad, Dryad, Naiad
  • in forming names of some taxonomic grouping: bromeliad.
suffix; forming nouns with French origin (- ade):
  • in forming nouns: ballad, salad, lemonade?, charade?
feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated.
[ME from OFr agrever ‘make heavier,’ from L. aggravare L. aggravat- ‘made heavy,’ from the verb aggravare, from ad- (expressing increase) + gravis ‘heavy.’] it seems as if there is no aggrieve, English language switches to aggravate, or irritate for verb forms.]
agent provocateur
person employed to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal or rash act.
brisk and cheerful readiness. [ME: from L. alacritas, from alacer ‘brisk.]
amino acids of interest
cadaverine - 1,5-pentanediamine and pentamethylenediamine, decarboxylation product of lysine, present in decomposing animal tissue, semen and urine.
1. a state of friendship and cordiality
2. cordial disposition.
Friendship, in a general sense, between individuals, societies, or nations; friendly relations; good understanding; as, a treaty of amity and commerce; the amity of the Whigs and Tories.
background mid-15c., "friendly relations," from Old French amitie (13c.); earlier amistie (11c.), from Vulgar Latin *amicitatem (nominative *amicitas) "friendship," corresponding to Latin amicitia, from amicus (adj.) "friendly;" related to amare "to love" (see Amy
linguistics: the loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word ( the 'k' in knife), especially the loss of an unstressed vowel. Examples of such historic sound changes: estrange/strange, especial/special, esquire/squire.
medicine removing whole blood from a donor or patient and separating the blood into individual components so that particular component(s) can be removed. The remaining blood components then are re-introduced back into the bloodstream of the patient or donor. Also called pheresis or hemapheresis, or prefixed by the component of interest: leuko pheresis, platelet pheresis, plasma pheresis.
[16th cent from late L. aphaeresis from Gk. aphairein take away; apo from + hairein take.]
prefix from Greek meaning from, away from, separate, or free. Before vowels, ap-.
the complete final destruction of the world, esp. as described in the biblical book of Revelation.
Lifting of the veil" or "revelation" is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception
[OE , via OFr and ecclesiastical Latin from Gk. apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal,’ from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover.’]
apocrine cells bud their secretions off through the plasma membrane, producing membrane-bound vesicles in the lumen. This method is also called decapitation secretion. The apical portion of the secretory cell of the gland pinches off and enters the lumen. Milk is a secretion produced by this method.
hidden, esoteric, spurious, of questionable authenticity, revealed texts and objects, Christian texts that are not canonical; writing or reports not considered genuine. Useful both to derogate, or or to negate the derogation. e.g. Protestant perspective on text included in Roman Catholic , or Eastern Orthodox Bible, but not Protestant Bible [ ME <- ecclesiastical L. apocrypha (scripta) ‘hidden (writings),’ <- Gk apokruphos, <- apokruptein ‘hide away.’]
incapacity or speechlessness caused by extreme anger.
"ABC News personnel involved in the Sheen interview were said to be "apoplectic," according to one insider." - here

"Liberals Go Apoplectic Over Komen Foundation No Longer Providing Funds To Planned Parenthood" - here
[1610s, "involving apoplexy," from Fr. apoplectique, from L. apoplecticus, from Gk. apoplektikos "disabled by a stroke, crippled, struck dumb," from apoplektos, verbal adj. of apoplessein (see apoplexy). Meaning of "showing symptoms of apoplexy" (1721) gradually shaded into "enraged, very angry." etymology online
1. Stroke; sudden, marked loss of function from hemorrhage or occlusion of a blood vessel.
2. furious, enraged, or upset to the point of being unable to deal with a situation rationally or diplomatically.
A sudden deprivation of all sense and voluntary motion, occasioned by repletion or whatever interrupts the action of the nerves upon the muscles. - Webster's 1828
Sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion, usually caused by pressure on the brain. & hand; The term is now usually limited to cerebral apoplexy, or loss of consciousness due to effusion of blood or other lesion within the substance of the brain; but it is sometimes extended to denote an effusion of blood into the substance of any organ; as, apoplexy of the lung. - Webster's 1913
[OE. poplexye, LL. poplexia, apoplexia, fr. Gk. to cripple by a stroke; from + to strike: cf. Fr. apoplexie.

From the late 14th to the late 19th century the word "apoplexy" was also used to describe any sudden death that began with a sudden loss of consciousness, especially one in which the victim died within a matter of seconds after losing consciousness. The word "apoplexy" may have been used to describe the symptom of sudden loss of consciousness immediately preceding death and not a verified disease process. Sudden cardiac deaths, ruptured cerebral aneurysms, certain ruptured aortic aneurysms, and even heart attacks may have been described as apoplexy in the past. - wikipedia

Pituitary apoplexy – symptom complex 2° hemorrhagic infarction of either a normal pituitary gland or, more commonly, a pituitary tumor. S/S: severe headache, stiff neck, fever, visual field defects, and oculomotor palsies. Resultant edema may compress the hypothalamus, resulting in somnolence or coma. Varying degrees of hypopituitarism may develop suddenly resulting in vascular collapse because of deficient ACTH and cortisol. The CSF often contains blood, and MRI documents hemorrhage. – Merck Manual

apraxia of speech , Childood Apraxia of Speech

motor speech disorder. Children with CAS have problems saying sounds, syllables, and words, not caused by muscle weakness or paralysis. The brain has problems planning to move the body parts (e.g., lips, jaw, tongue) needed for speech. The child knows what he or she wants to say, but his/her brain has difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to say those words. CAS is a disorder of speech coordination, not strength; exercises designed to "strengthen" the oral muscles will not help.more here

basking in the sun - more…
  1. a very typical example of a certain person or thing
  2. an original that has been imitated : the archetype of faith is Abraham.
  3. a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology : mythological archetypes of good and evil.
  4. Psychoanalysis (in Jungian psychology) a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors, and supposed to be present in the collective unconscious.
  1. exchange of diverging opinion, generally with some degree of heat; sometimes extending to violence.
  2. reason(s) given to persuade; arguing a case in court
  3. liguistics and of the noun phrases in a clause that are related directly to the verb, typically the subject, direct object, and indirect object.
  4. computing a value pr address passed to a procedure, or function at the time of call.
  5. logic the middle term in a syllogism
  6. mathematics independent variable associated with a function and determining the value of the function. For example, in the expression y = F ( x1, x2), the arguments of the function F are x1 and x2, and the value is y .
  7. archaic a summary of the subject matter of a book
arguments - of the logical sort, that are also denigrated as fallacious
individual arguments
ad populum
fallacious - all the ones we most like to talk about are


the proposition is true because most people believe it to be true; or

everyone is doing it, it must be OK.

in recognition of its popularity in common use, and as punching bag when teaching logic, it has a plenitude of alternate names: appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, and bandwagon fallacy, and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum ("appeal to the number"), and consensus gentium ("agreement of the clans")

ad verecundiam - appeal to authority
This argument is logically a fallacy, is not necessarily wrong, that is, accepting that the statements or edicts of one in authority are true is the basis for teaching in general, for hiring expert witnesses in courts, and with respect to the other kind of authority (one who has power) simply a practical means of survival. None of this makes any particular statement true. In the case of experts or teachers, there is high likelihood, but not certainty; in case of those with power, there is need to act, or appear to behave as if the proposition is true, while maintaining a wary eye, and reserved thought process for potential deviations from the laws of physics, and other sources of truth.


Most of what A says about S is correct

A says P about subject matter S.

Therefore, P is correct.




begging the question (petitio principii, or Petitio Quæsiti)
this is a wildly popular argument to talk about, yet confusing to me. In its simplest form the problem arises from utilizing an unproven assumption as the basis for reasoning. But there is way more to it than that.
reductio ad absurdum
form of argument in which a proposition is disproved by following its implications logically to an absurd consequence.
straw man
informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's post ion. A knife that cuts two ways.
  1. the argument many succeed, – its fallacy unrecognized, thus causing the opponent to appear wrong.
  2. the argument may be recognized as a false representation and thereby weaken one's own stance as ill-informed, or foolish, or resorting to trickery in the absence of valid arguments to put forth for one's own position.

Straw man arguments are the bread of life for Cable Networks and Journalism

presenting sound bites, especially out of context

" find some examples for here"



A state in Germany, previously independent (free) State/Kingdom/Duchy with identity dating back to 5th century C. E.
Scots: May Day. [Scottish Gaelic bealltainn.]
berit mila
hebrew covenant of circumcision
a flat strip of land, raised bank, or terrace bordering a river or canal.
  • a path or grass strip beside a road.
  • an artificial ridge or embankment, e.g., as a defense against tanks.
  • a narrow space, esp. one between a ditch and the base of a parapet.
exacta - the first two places in a race must be predicted in the correct order. Same as perfecta
perfecta - the first two places in a race must be predicted in the correct order. Same as exacta
quinella - the first two places in a race must be predicted; correct order is not necessary.
trifecta - the first three places in a race must be predicted in the correct order.
sports spread betting - wager placed on the difference between the amount of points scored by each team in a given match-up, plus or minus the "points" assigned to the match-up by the online sportsbook. if the gambler picks the underdog, and the underdog loses, the spread bet is successful if the total of the underdog's losing score plus the sportsbook's assigned points is greater than the favorite's total points scored. conversely, if the total of the underdog's points scored and the sportsbook's spread points is less than the total points scored by the favorite, the gambler loses the spread bet. the gambler can also wager on the favorite, which is known as "giving the points". if the favorite's score minus the spread is greater than the underdog's score, the bet wins. if, however, the favorite's score minus the points is less than the underdog's final point total, the bet loses. Sports Betting
investing spread betting - speculation that involves taking a bet on the price movement of a security. A spread betting company quotes two prices, the bid and offer price (also called the spread), and investors bet whether the price of the underlying stock will be lower than the bid or higher than the offer. The investor does not own the underlying stock in spread betting, they simply speculate on the price movement of the stock. Prohibited in USA? City index or Investopedia
win, place, show -
  • win - finish first in a race.
  • place - finish second in a race, especially a horse race.
  • show - finish third in a race
Bill of Rights
the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution - or that which made the constitution ratifiable. see here

catholic ecclesiastical dignitary who possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope. Bishops are of Divine institution. In the hierarchy of order they possess powers superior to those of priests and deacons; in the hierarchy of jurisdiction, by Christ's will, the are appointed for the government of one portion of the faithful of the Church, under the direction and authority of the sovereign pontiff, who can determine and restrain their powers, but, not annihilate them. They are the successors of the Apostles, though they do not possess all the prerogatives of the latter. (Council of Trent, Sess. XXIII, ch. iv; can. vi, vii. See APOSTOLIC COLLEGE.) The episcopate is monarchical. By the Will of Christ, the supreme authority in a diocese does not belong to a college of priests or of bishops, but it resides in the single personality of the chief. more on this …
[Anglo-Saxon Biscop, Busceop, German Bischof; from the Greek episkopos, an overseer, through Latin episcopus; Italian vescovo; Old French vesque; French évêque

An appendage to a lady's wardrobe, otherwise called a bustle. source…


Bishop Rome
having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet
Brit. beer that is strongly flavored with hops and has a bitter taste.
angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment
liquor that is flavored with the sharp pungent taste of plant extracts and is used as an additive in cocktails or as a medicinal substance to promote appetite or digestion
statistics involving or depending on two variables.
Bivariate data
that shows the relationship between two variables
Bivariate analysis,
statistical analysis of two variables
Bivariate map,
a single map that displays two variables
Bivariate polynomial
a polynomial with two variables
Bivariate distribution,
a joint probability distribution for two variables
a flat-topped hardened straw hat with a brim. [ so named because originally worn while boating.]
n. wetland with acid chemistry; peaty soil, typically dominated by peat moss.
n. wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body.
v. t. to cause to become stuck in mud or wet ground - actually or metaphorically.
book sizes/shape
one of the little mysteries - why make such a big deal regarding old books not by the character of their content, but by the folds made to create the pages after printing.
  • Folio 2 pages printed on each side; folded once , which yields for 4 pages.- biggest footprint Like a newspaper.
  • Quarto 4 pages printed on each side; folded twice - Shakespeare sized.
  • Octavo 8 pages printed on each side; folded 4 times, yields 16 pages.- are we sensing a pattern here?
  • some of the less common sizes
  • Duodecimo 12 pages printed on each side, folded six times yields 24 page s
  • Sextodecimo 16 pages printed on each side, folded a whole lot, - 32 pages
  • Vingesimo-quarto or Twenty-fourmo - 48 pages
  • Trigesimo-secundo or Thirty-twomo yield 64 pages
  • Sexagesimo-quarto - 128 pages - makes a tiny book. 3" X 2"ish.
It keeps going; for more …
Brave New World (1932)
book by Aldous Huxley: World state based in London; babies from factories bred to a 5 caste system; sleep learning; Soma. A savage more civilized than civilization, who quotes Shakespeare. The title 'Brave New World 'is from the Tempest. Also the title of several songs, episodes of television shows, and not a few movies. - Spark Notes on Brave New World

O, wonder!

How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

That has such people in't!

- the bard in the Tempest

Jewish rite of circumcision performed on a male child on the eighth day of his life . [Ashkenazi Hebrew brīs, from Hebrew bərîttmīlâ), covenant (of circumcision). more …
Brown, Antoinette 1820.05.20 - 1921.11.05
Minister, Suffragist born in Henrietta N.Y, began to speak publicly in the services of the local Congregational church at age nine. Graduated from Oberlin College (1847) , then completed its theological seminary in 1850, though she was not granted a degree, women were not permitted to take a degree in divinity at that time. Oberlin eventually conferred on her an honorary A.M.[Master of Arts], in 1878, and a D.D.[Doctor of Divinity], in 1908. Refused ordination at first because of her sex, eventually she held a Congregationalist pastorate in South Butler, N.Y. Did lots, lots more on suffrage. Lived long enough to vote legally.
Burke, Edmund 1790 - 1797
Irish author, orator, philosopher, member of house of Commons. Among his speeches was On Conciliation with America


chemistry a silver-white divalent metal, occurring combined in limestone, chalk, gypsum, etc., occurring also in vertebrates and other animals, as a component of bone, skeletal mass, shell, etc., and as a necessary element in nerve conduction, heartbeat, muscle contraction, and many other physiological functions.
Webster 1828: the metallic basis of lime.
Webster 1913: metal which combined with oxygen forms lime. color: pale yellow, properties: tenacious, and malleable, burns with a brilliant light. Atomic weight 40.
The application of general principles of morality to definite and concrete cases of human activity, for the purpose, primarily, of determining what one ought to do, or ought not to do, or what one may do or leave undone as one pleases; and for the purpose, secondarily, of deciding whether and to what extent guilt or immunity from guilt follows on an action already posited from
cata-, cath-. kat-
prefix meaning
1. down, downward
2. reverse, backwards, degenerative. (catatonia, cataclysm, catamite)
Gk. kata-, before vowels kat-, from kata "down from, down to." Its principal sense is "down," but with occasional senses of "against" or "wrongly." Also sometimes used as an intensive or with a sense of completion of action. Very active in ancient Greek, this prefix is found in English mostly in words borrowed through Latin after c.1500.
(liturgical) the cenotaph-like erection which is used at the exequial offices of the Church, and takes the place of the bier whenever the remains are not present from
a boy kept for unnatural purpose - Webster's 1828 [L. catamitus, from Catamitus Ganymede, from Etruscan Catamite, from Gk. Ganymēdēs] First Known Use: 1593
jump or dance around excitedly [originally U.S.: perhaps an alteration of curvet .]
an abbreviation for the Latin word confer, meaning "compare" or "consult"
personal as opposed to real property; any tangible movable property (furniture or domestic animals or a car etc)
(law) property other than real estate
Chat"tel (?), n. [OF. chattel; another form of catel. See Cattle.] (Law) Any item of movable or immovable property except the freehold, or the things which are parcel of it. It is a more extensive term than goods or effects. &hand; Chattels are personal or real: personal are such as are movable, as goods, plate, money; real are such rights in land as are less than a freehold, as leases, mortgages, growing corn, etc .Chattel mortgage (Law), a mortgage on personal property, as distinguished from one on real property. - Webster's 1913.
CHATTEL, n. chatl. [See Cattle.] Primarily, any article of movable goods. In modern usage, the word chattels comprehends all goods, movable or immovable, except such as have the nature of freehold. Chattels are real or personal. Chattels real, are such as concern or savor of the realty, as a term for years of land, ward-ships in chivalry, the next presentation to a church, estates by statute merchant, elegit and the like. Chattels personal, are things movable, as animals, furniture of a house, jewels, corn, &c. - Webster's 1828
chattel slavery
humans are treated as the personal property, chattels, of an owner who buys, owns, and sells the slave as commodity.
cheese production
heterofermentive - in which the principle metabolite is lactic acid w/o production of CO2 and flavor compounds.
homofermentive - in which the principle metabolite is lactic acid plus technologically significant amounts of one or more of the following metabolites are also produced.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) which causes the small gas holes in Havarti, Gouda and other cheeses.
  • Short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid and proprionic acid
  • Acetaldehyde, a principal component of yogurt flavor
  • Diacetyl, a principal flavor note in sour cream, butter milk, Dutch cheese and Havarti cheese
  • Ethyl alcohol
secondary innoculants
  • penicillium camenbertii, P. caseiolum, P. candidum - produce white molds
  • Propioni bacterium freudenreichii supsp. shermaniee - large holes ( Swiss cheese)
  • Penicillium roqueforti, P. glaucum - for ??
CHEM - lactic acid
normal range
venous 0.5-2.2 mEq/L, or 0.5-2.2 mmol/L
arterial 0.5-1.6 mEq/L or 0.5-1.6 mmol/L
Most of it is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells. When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. When the oxygen level is low, carbohydrate breaks down for energy and makes lactic acid. Lactic acid levels get higher when strenuous exercise or other conditions-such as heart failure, a severe infection (sepsis), or shock-lower the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body. Lactic acid levels can also get higher when the liver is severely damaged or diseased, because the liver normally breaks down lactic acid. Very high levels of lactic acid cause a serious, sometimes life-threatening condition called lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis can also occur in a person who takes metformin (Glucophage) to control diabetes when heart or kidney failure or a severe infection is also present.
increased lactate: dehydration, severe anemia or leukemia; liver damage that prevents the liver from breaking down lactic acid in the blood; severe bleeding, shock, severe infection, heart failure, blockage of blood flow to the intestines, carbon monoxide poisoning, or pulmonary embolism that prevent adequate oxygen from reaching the body's cells; extremely strenuous exercise or extreme overheating; poisoning by alcohol (ethanol), wood alcohol (methanol), or antifreeze (ethylene glycol). Some medicines:isoniazid for tuberculosis or metformin (Glucophage) for diabetes especially if they have poor kidney function.
acute infection of the small bowel by Vibrio cholerae, which secretes a toxin that causes copious watery diarrhea, leading to dehydration, oliguria, and circulatory collapse. Tx: vigorous rehydration, electrolyte replacement , antibiotics (doxycycline.)
"when the Bile so exceeds in Quantity orAcrimony, as to iritate the Bowels and Stomach to eject it both upwards and downwards" J. Quincy
[late 14c. from M. Fr cholera or M. L. cholera, from Gk. kholera "a type of disease characterized by diarrhea, supposedly caused by choler" (Celsus), from khole "gall, bile," from khloazein "to be green," from khloros (see Chloe). But another sense of khole was "drainpipe, gutter." Revived 1560s in classical sense as a name for a severe digestive disorder (rarely fatal to adults); and 1704 (especially as cholera morbus), for a highly lethal disease endemic in India, periodically breaking out in global epidemics, especially that reaching Britain and America in the early 1830s.] ety online
a colored picture printed by lithography, esp. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
chronbach’s alpha test
measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set of items are as a group. It is considered to be a measure of scale reliability. there is more to know here
Alternate muscular contraction and relaxation in rapid succession. - neurotrauma law
Consortum for Nursing Excellence San Diego (CNESD)
partnership between five health care systems (10 acute care hospitals) and two academic institutions in the San Diego community. Home of the Evidence Based Practice Institute (EBPI.)
Cobra or COBRA
A twentieth century European art movement whose members included Pierre Alechinsky, Karel Appel, Corneille, Egill Jacobsen, Asger Jorn, Lucebert, and Karl H. Pederson, and was founded in Paris in 1948 by the Belgian poet and essayist Christian Dotrement, and active until 1951. Their art was experimental, inspired by Marxism, somewhat sympathetic to Expressionism and Surrealism, showing greatest affinity to folk art and children's art and to the works of Paul Klee and Joan Miró. Similarities can also be seen to works by American abstract expressionists, but none to those that are geometrically abstract. Cobra's name was distilled from the names of the three capital cities of the countries of its principal members: CO from Copenhagen, Denmark, BR from Brussels, Belgium, and A from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
logo of a printer or publisher. Or an inscription page sometimes found at the end of a book, noting information about the design of the book.
HSB hue, saturation, brightness. A color space (color model) widely used to select a color in drawing, image editing or other graphics application developed by Alvy Ray Smith at PARC in 1974 to enable users to select colors in software as artists traditionally had done in oils by adding black and white to pure pigments. Called "HSV" by its inventor with the V meaning "value," the hue (H) is the color pigment represented by a 360-degree circle (0=red, 60=yellow, 120=green, 180=cyan, 240=blue, 300=magenta). Saturation (S) is the amount of white added, and the brightness (B) the amount of black. Both S and B are measured from 0 to 100%. see …
  • hue the attribute of a color by virtue of which it is discernible as red, green, etc., and which is dependent on its dominant wavelength, and independent of intensity or lightness.
  • saturation colorfulness of a stimulus relative to its own brightness.
  • brightness attribute of a visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light.
CYMK cyan, magenta, yellow, black. where black is the same as 'key' or content.
RGB red, green, blue. more.
color space (color model)
a means of representing the color spectrum. A system for describing color numerically. Also known as a "color model," the most widely used color spaces are RGB for scanners, cameras and displays, CMYK for color printing and YUV for TV/video. Prior to the proliferation of electronic displays, which are all RGB, color spaces were developed that were closer to the way people think about color. For example, the CIE Lab model uses lightness (L) and values on red-green (a) and blue-yellow (b) axes, while HSB uses hue, saturation and brightness. See CIE Lab, HSB, HSL, RGB, sRGB, YUV, xvYCC and color space conversion.
adj. of, relating to, or exhibiting commensalism.
n. a commensal organism, such as many bacteria. [19th century from: from medieval L. commensalis, from com- sharing + mensa a table.
n. an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm. compare with mutualism, and parasitism
int. to come together; to meet; to unite
int to come together, as in one body or fora public purpose; to meet, to assemble.
vt. to cause ot assemble; to call together, to convoke
vt. to summon judicially to meet or appear.
from M Fr. convenir, from L. convenire "to come together".
convener (convenor)
one who convenes a meeting.
scots chairman, or chairperson.
British university a lecturer who takes on the mantle of managing a specific course.
to convene; or to call together a group or meeting. [from M Fr convoquer, from L convocare, from con"with" + vocō "to call".
corn smut (huitlacoche)
Ustilago maydis, edible fungus which grows on corn ears as they mature. Truffle of the aztec, or trouble in the field? Your choice. More about
Mixing of flavors and aromas from one cheese to another by cutting on the same knife without properly cleaning utensils and cutting surfaces each time. This can also occur when a very pungent or strong cheese is placed next to a mild cheese. from
Heraldry (of an animal) lying with the body resting on the legs and the head raised.
a member of the clergy engaged as assistant to a vicar, rector, or parish priest.
archaic a minister with pastoral responsibility.


dab hand
n. expert, or highly skilled in a particular activity - [British, but unknown origin, documented by 19th century]
from dada hobby horse - img
international movement (1916 - 1922) in art, literature, music, and film, repudiating and mocking artistic and social conventions and emphasizing the illogical and absurd; which had an enduring impact on art and graphic design dada graphic design
… ridiculed contemporary culture and traditional art forms. … formed to prove the bankruptcy of existing style of artistic expression rather than to promote a particular style itself. It was born as a consequence of the collapse during World War I of social and moral values which had developed to that time. Dada artists produced works which were nihilistic or reflected a cynical attitude toward social values, and, at the same time, irrational — absurd and playful, emotive and intuitive, and often cryptic. Less a style than a zeitgeist, Dadaists typically produced art objects in unconventional forms produced by unconventional methods. artlex
a downward slope. [L.declivitas, from declivis ‘sloping down,’ from de- ‘down’ + clivus ‘a slope.’]
medicine one of the two types of posturing in the Glasgow Coma Scale (3 - for Motor) Wikipedia has a long and somewhat tangled article about this. If I were more digigent and more learned, I should clean it up.
logging, farming, or botany to strip off bark; to peel; to husk; to take off the exterior coat; as, to decorticate barley.
textiles To remove woody residual matter, such as flax from bast fibers after retting.
anatomy to remove the outer layer or covering (of an organ or structure)
surgical removal of he fibrous peel that covers the lungs in third-stage empyema. Or, a surgical procedure to remove a residual clot or new scar tissue following a hemothorax or untreated empyema.
de novo
starting from the beginning; anew.
(cancer) the first occurance of a tumor in the body.
(genetics) new mutation.
However, some disorders with autosomal dominant inheritance can appear de novo (in people whose parents have a normal phenotype). For example, about 80% of people with achondroplastic dwarfism have no family history of dwarfism and thus represent new (de novo) mutations.
medicine a tendency to suffer from a particular medical condition: a bleeding diathesis. [from 17th cent.: modern L. dispositio(n-), from disponere ‘arrange’ and that from Gk diatithenai arrange.
grammar voice (active voice, passive voice)
• a painting on two panels joined by hinges that may be closed like a book
• 2 part wax writing tablet with wood backing, joined by hinges. more at wikip [Gk diptukha pair of writing tablets, from neuter plural of diptukhos; folded in two, from di two, ptukhe a fold]
exculpatory. tending to clear from a charge of fault or guilt.
- old school
  • black plague
  • bubonic plague
  • child-bed fever (same as puerperal fever) Influence of Inflammation theory
  • cholera
  • cowpox (cow pox virus) mild disease ( as disease go) famous for role in early vaccination against small pox. Also related to the phrase referencing dairy maid(milkmaid) skin - which is skin not scarred by small pox, d/t the cross immunization provided by cow pox.
  • diphtheria
  • phisthisis pulmonary tuberculosis
  • plague
  • puerperal fever (Beta hemolytic streptococcus, Lancefield Group A)
  • relapsing fever infection transmitted by lice (Borrelia recurrentis) or ticks(Borrelia parkeri infects Ornithodoros parkeri; Borrelia hermsii)
  • small pox (variola major, variolo minor virus)
  • scarlet fever - name variant for scarletina
  • scarletina - streptococcal infection with rash. exotoxin-mediated disease arising from group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection. eMed .
  • yellow fever (yellow fever virus) viral hemorrhagic fever. mosquito and human transmission. vaccine available. eMed or web MD
• a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true
• A doctrinal notion asserted without regard to evidence or truth; an arbitrary dictum.
Dogma has in our language acquired, to some extent, a repulsive sense, from its carrying with it the idea of undue authority or assumption. this is more fully the case with its derivatives dogmatical and dogmatism. - Webster 1913
[16th cent from late L. from Gk. dogma ‘opinion,’ from dokein ‘seem good, think.]
• a period of inactivity or stagnation
• low spirits; a feeling of boredom or depression
• peri-equatorial region of frequently light (non-existant), changable winds. Refers more to the climate, than the location. see in Rime of the Ancient Mariner

All in a hot and copper sky,

The bloody Sun, at noon,

Right up above the mast did stand,

Day after day, day after day,

We stuck, nor breath nor motion;

As idle as a painted ship

Upon a painted ocean.

• (Phantom Tollbooth) a colorless place inhabited by the Lethargians, where thinking and laughing are not allowed. and where here nothing ever happens.
• [19th century E. doldrum 'dullard; a dull or sluggish fellow' from dol(dull) with -um added as in 'tantrum'. That is, as a tantrum was a fit of petulance and passion, a doldrum was a fit of sloth and dullness, or one who indulged in such. – the phrase finder ]
a state of abnormal muscle tone resulting in muscular spasm and abnormal posture, typically due to neurological disease or a side effect of drug therapy. MORE GOES HERE


outstanding, striking, extraordinary. Current meaning is derogatory: outstandingly bad, strikingly wrong, extraordinarily awful. This meaning is the opposite of initial archaic meaning of illustriousness, outstanding excellence. The transition may have been through ironical use. [L. egregius ‘illustrious,’ literally ‘standing out from the flock,’ from ex- ‘out’ + grex, greg- ‘flock.’]
omit, especially the dropping of sounds or entire syllables from a word, as with contractions (e.g. can't, don't).
join together; merge.
[scots legal term: to do away with, from L. elidere to crush out] see also apheresis, and syncope
warmly enthusiastic praise
rhetoric a figure of speech; praising on a smaller scale than an entire speech
rhetoric a literary genre of five elements: prologue, birth and upbringing, acts of the person's life, comparisons used to praise the subject, and an epilogue.
synonyms: accolade, citation, commendation, dithyramb, eulogy, panegyric, paean, tribute, testimonial; praise, acclaim, acclamation, homage.[Gk. enconmion > L. encomium : praise of a person or thing.]
benign cartilaginous neoplasms that are usually solitary lesions in intramedullary bone. The primary significant factors of enchondromas are related to their complications, most notably pathologic fracture, and a small incidence of malignant transformation.
deliberate soiling of the clothing, or defecating in other inappropriate locations by children who are old enough for it to be socially unacceptable, and who are consciously aware of what they are doing - that is it is not accidental. Encopresis, as a disorder, refers not to one-off or occasional acts of soiling, but to consistent soiling over periods longer than a single month.
red acidic dye; used to stain biological specimens for microscopic examination, usually with contrasting blue alkaline dye; different components of the specimen taking up one color or the other.
WBC containing granules that are readily stained by eosin. activity:kill parasites, destroy cancer cells, and are involved in allergic responses.

a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the total heat content of a system. It is equal to the internal energy of the system plus the product of pressure and volume. (Symbol: H)

rnthalopy of condenseation
by definition equal to the enthalpy of vaporization with the opposite sign: enthalpy changes of vaporization are always positive (heat is absorbed by the substance), whereas enthalpy changes of condensation are always negative (heat is released by the substance).
entalopy of of vaporization
the energy required to transform a given quantity of a substance from a liquid into a gas at a given pressure (often atmospheric pressure); often measured at the normal boiling point of a substance
adj. intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. [mid 17th cent. Gk esōterikos, from esōterō, comparative of esō ‘within,’ from es, eis ‘into.’
critical explanation or interpretation of a text, esp. of scripture.
(computing) x-height; vertical height of the x in a typeface.
(informal) former spouse
prefix that wears many hats [from L. ex out of]
out, outside of (external)
removal or release (expel)
up and away (excel)
forming nouns, expressing former state: ex-convist, ex-husband, ex-president
forming verbs, expressing inducement of a state: excite, exasperate.
sold direct from (ex dock, ex stock)
without (ex dividend)
biology not centrally placed or not having its axis or other part placed centrally: a distinct excentric nucleus.
ex libris
out of the books or library of ________.Used as an inscription on a bookplate to show the name of the book's owner
ex nihilo
out of nothing
ex post
based on actual results rather than forecasts
ex post facto (ex postfacto)
retroactive effect
(law) ex post facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United States Constitution.
exocrine glands
glands that secrete their products through ducts opening onto an epithelium rather than directly into the bloodstream
apocrine - produce secretions by budding off (create a membrane bound product) vesicle into a lumen. example: milk
holocrine - produce secretions released by the rupture of the plasma membrane (destrying the cell) releasing the secretion into the lume. example: sebum
merocrine - produce secretions that excreted via exocytosis from secretory cells into an epithelial-walled duct or ducts and thence onto a bodily surface or into a lumen. salivary, pancreatic, some sweat glands


shagreen green dyed untanned leather
shalloon - light twilled wool or worsted
shantung - plain rough silk or cotton
shoddy - woolen fabric made from rags -- sicilienne - ribbed silk == surah - soft twilled silk or rayon
see wetlands: fen Fens are distinguished from bogs, which are acidic, low in minerals, and usually dominated by low-growing plants including Sphagnum and other mosses. compare with bog
A fibril, fine fiber, or threadlike structure. This word has been appropriated for specific meanings in differing disciplines, some examples follow. [from L. filare, to spin]
bot. a chainlike series of cells, e. g. algae.
home sciences the thin wire inside the old school light bulb - usually made of tungsten; emits light when heated to incandescence by an electric current.
astronomy a long structure of relatively cool material in the solar corona
anat. the various fibres in the contractile unit of muscle. There are thin filaments (redundant), thick filaments ( oxymoronic).
astronomy a long large-scale clsuter of galaxies.
engineering a high-resistance wire or ribbon, forming the cathode in some valves.
fin de siecle
  • relating to or characteristic of the end of a century, esp. the 19th century: fin-de-siècle art.
  • decadent: there was a fin-de-siècle air in the club last night.
abnormal communication between two hollow organs, or from a cavity to the surface. May be the result of injury, infection; or may be created surgically.

abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or a congenital disorder that connects an abscess, cavity, or hollow organ to the body surface or to another hollow organ.

fistulas - by location
  • anorectal f.
  • arteriovenous f.
  • biliary f.
  • enterocutaneous f. intestines to skin
  • enteroenteric
  • enterocolic f.
  • enterovaginal f.
  • enterovesicular f.
  • fecal f.
  • pulmonary arterivenous f.
  • rectovaginal fistula (RVF), between the rectum and vagina
  • Trachoesophageal f.
  • ureterovaginal f. between the ureters (kidney tubes) and the vagina
  • urethrovaginal f. (UVF), between the urethra (bladder outlet) and vagina
  • vesicouterine f. between the bladder and the uterus (wo
  • vesicovaginal f. (VVF), between the bladder and vagina
fistulas by type
  • blind f. open on on end, but connecting two structures.
  • complete f. has both internal and external openings
  • hemodialysis f. surgically created communications between the native artery and vein in an extremity. more…
  • horseshoe f. connecting the anus to the surface of the skin after going around the rectum
  • Incomplete f. a tube from the skin that is closed on the inside and does not connect to any internal structure
  • obstetric f. for diagram/image
  • traumatic fistual
resident flora – typically colonize the surface of the skin, mucous membranes, digestive tract, upper respiratory system and distal portion of the urogenital system, are commensal –  they do not cause harm while they benefit from feeding on the cellular waste and dead cells of the host's body. see …
transient flora – are unable to remain in the body for extended periods of time due to: competition from resident microbes, elimination by the body’s immune system, physical or chemical changes within the body that discourage the growth of transient microbes
adj. open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, esp. when dealing with unpalatable matters open, sincere, or undisguised in manner or appearance
Medicine. unmistakable; obvious
n. an official mark or signature on a letter or parcel, esp. to indicate that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid. [ORIGIN: formerly as a superscribed signature of an eminent person entitled to send letters free of charge.]
a member of a Germanic people that conquered Gaul in the 6th century and controlled much of western Europe for several centuries afterward.
• (in the eastern Mediterranean region) a person of western European nationality or descent.
ORIGIN Old English Franca, of Germanic origin; perhaps from the name of a weapon and related to Old English franca [javelin] (compare with Saxon ); reinforced in Middle English by medieval Latin Francus and Old French Franc, of the same origin and related to French .
wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion: frantic with worry.
conducted in a hurried, excited, and chaotic way, typically because of the need to act.
fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way [ late ME frentik 'insane, violently mad' from Old F. frenetique.]
excessively agitated; transported with rage or other violent emotion. [late ME (in the sense of 'insane' Old F. frenetique, via L. from Gk. phrenitikos, from phrenitis ‘delirium,’ from phrēn ‘mind.’ ]Compare with frantic .


Trojan boy abducted by Zeus to become his cupbearer and, later, his lover.
excessively talkative, esp. on trivial matters [L. garrulous (from garrire ‘to chatter, prattle’ ) + -ous .
word functioning as noun formed from a verb modified to end in "ing."
A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition. - Purdue OWL
goat rodeo
A chaotic situation, often one that involves several people, each with a different agenda/vision/perception of what's going on; a situation that is very difficult, despite energy and efforts, to instill any sense or order into
technical the scale or level of detail present in a set of data or other phenomenon :


hat trick
three successes of the same kind, esp. consecutive ones within a limited period
(ice hockey) three goals scored by one player in a single game.
(cricket) the taking of three wickets by the same bowler with successive balls
heat(enthalopy) of condensation
-- see enthalopy of condenseation
heat(enthalopy) of vaporization
- - see enthlaopy of vaporization
New Years' Eve day(December 31); Scots celebration of the last day of the year.
mode of secretion of secretory products made in the cytoplasm of the cell and released by the rupture of the plasma membrane, which destroys the cell releasing the secretion into the lumen. sebum is a holocrine secretion see exocrine glands.
type of tropical cyclone or severe tropical storm that forms in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. A typical cyclone is accompanied by thunderstorms, and in the Northern Hemisphere, a counterclockwise circulation of winds near the earth’s surface.
relating to fluids in motion or the forces that produce or affect such motion; e.g. whirlpool.
pertaining to fluids at rest and pressure they extert. contrast with the notably less common hydrokinetic [from Gk, hydor, water, statos, standing]

Incidental Findings

Crimes against Art (Lithography)
In 1907 when the firm [Currier & Ives] was liquidated most of the lithographic stones had the image removed and were sold by the pound with some stones final home as land fill in Central Park. C&I Guide
Damning with Faint Praise

of Thomas Fowler (1832 - 1904) academic, vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford

"He enjoyed university business, and was not a profound and original thinker. He had the gift of writing lucid and scholarly English."

Frowning on Education
[Amy]Lowell was born into Brookline's prominent Lowell family, sister to astronomer Percival Lowell and Harvard president Abbott Lawrence Lowell. She never attended college because her family did not consider that proper for a woman… oh, wiki you've done it again
Long Way Baby - not just for Virginia Slims
In 1958 she married a fellow medical student from America, Emanuel ("Manny") Ross and moved to the United States. Becoming pregnant disqualified Kübler-Ross from a residency in pediatrics, so she took one in psychiatry. She had two miscarriages, finally having a son, Kenneth, and a daughter, Barbara, in the early 1960s.
Mammal centrism wiki-talk on cadaverine

Are we building a mammal-centric encyclopedia? (talk) 18:13, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Yes, Wikipedia is mammal-centric. More specifically, we expect only humans, and not insects, to read it. ChemNerd (talk) 19:25, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Origins of Sterotyping Revealed wikipedia: Senefelder

Alois Senefelder's contribution ranks alongside William Ged's invention of stereotyping…

David McCraken in Modern Philology (1969) on Dr. Johnson's appropriation of large chunks of Baily's Dictionarium Britanicumfor his own Dictionary of the English Language:
The kind of borrowing which in other contexts would be known as plagarism was an altogether acceptable tradition in early lexicography. Indeed without such borrowing, English and American lexicopgraphy could not have advanced as rapidly as it did. - McCraken
Politics, the noble untertaking of civic management maligned

John Stuart Mills: Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.

Plato: Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.

Larry Hardman: The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly' meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.”

Tax, "the Destroyer"
"The right to tax is the right to destroy," - Chief Justice William Marshall


ibidem (ibid)
L. in the same place. - Used in bibliographic citations to refer to the last source previously referenced.
idem (id.)
L. the same. - Used to refer to something that has already been cited. (dito)
L. Let it be printed. - An authorization to publish, granted by some censoring authority (originally a Catholic Bishop).
in absentia
L. in the absence. - Used to describe something done without some present ( trial in absencia)
in camera
L. in the chamber; in secret. - Used to mean secret or hidden as with trials, or councils, or decisions.
in effigie
L. In the likeness - In the form of, a likeness; not the actual flesh, or person.
in extremis
L. in the furthest reaches. - In dire straits or the furthest reaches; at the point of death. Also a marriage in extremis, is one made at the end of life. Vide Extremis - Bouvier 1858
in flagrante delicto
L. in the blazing wrong; while the crime is still blazing. - Caught in the act, especially of a crime, or a compromising position.
in loco
L. in the palce; on the spot. - On site.
in loco parentis
L. in the place of a parent. Assumption of custodial, or parental responsibility and authority.
Bouvier's 1858 says: In the place of a parent; as, the master stands towards his apprentice in loco parentis.
in silico
Dog L. in silicon - Coined in the late 1980s for scientific papers. Refers to an experiment or process performed virtually, as a computer simulation. The term is Dog Latin modeled after terms such as in vitro and in vivo. The correct Latinization of "in silicon" would be in silicio, but this form has little usage.
in situ
L. in place. - In the original place, appropriate position, or natural arrangement. The fetus of a high risk pregnancy may be transported 'in situ' that is the mother is transported before delivery to a place providing a higher level of care. Also tumors may be 'in situ' that is, not metastasized.
in the doldrums
state of a sailing ship this is becalmed and unable to progress. (a condition, not a place)
in toto
L. n the whole; wholly; completely; as, the award is void in toto. In the whole the part is contained: in toto et pars continetur.
in vitro
An experimental or process methodology performed in a "non-natural" setting (e.g. in a laboratory using a glass test tube or Petri dish), and thus outside of a living organism or cell.
in vivo
An experiment or process performed on a living specimen.
just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary. Because inchoate means 'just begun and so not fully formed or developed,' a sense of 'disorder' may be implied. But to extend the usage of inchoate to mean 'chaotic, confused, incoherent' (: he speaks in an inchoate manner) is incorrect, although not uncommon.
book printed before 1500. interesting explanation here
The cradle or early abode; the place in which a thing had its earliest development, as a race, an art, etc.; hence, first trace; beginning
books printed in the infancy of the art; generally, books printed before the year 1500: in this sense rarely with a singular incunabulum.
a book printed before 1500
artifact from an early period
New Latin incūnābulum, from sing. of Latin incūnābula, swaddling clothes, cradle : in-, in; see in-2 + cūnābula, cradle, infancy.
Into Thin Air (1997)
Jon Krakauer, author and mountain climber, is hired by Outside Magazine to write an article about the commercialism on Mount Everest. Krakauer decides he wants to climb the mountain, and joins the most disastrous Everest expedition in history. Compare "Touching the Void"
speak or write about (something) with great hostility [L. invehere ‘carry in,’ invehi ‘be carried into, assail. Not to be confused with T. McVeigh - who acted with great hostility.


Of or relating to the reign of King James I of England (also James VI of Scotland.) compare with "Jacobite."
a supporter of the deposed James II and his descendants in their claim to the British throne after the Revolution of 1688. Drawing most of their support from Catholic clans of the Scottish Highlands, Jacobites made attempts to regain the throne in 1689–90, 1715, 1719, and 1745–46, finally being defeated at the Battle of Culloden.
a member of the Syrian Orthodox Church (Monophysite).
Jacobite Risings
a series of uprisings, rebellions, and wars in Great Britain and Scotland occurring between 1688 and 1746. The uprisings were aimed at returning James VII of Scotland and II of England, and later his descendants of the House of Stuart, to the throne after he was deposed by Parliament during the Glorious Revolution. The series of conflicts takes its name from Jacobus, the Latin form of James. more…


A compound that is both an acid and a ketone; an example is β-acetoacetic acid.
Genus Falco, family Falconidae: several species, in particular the common kestrel ( F. tinnunculus) of Eurasia and Africa, and the American kestrel. a small falcon that hovers with rapidly beating wings while searching for prey on the ground.
archaic plural of cow; cattle.
kine- , kino-
Greek-English prefix referring to motion: kinesiology, kinetic energy, kinoscope.
Know Nothing Movement
Political party in the U.S., prominent from 1853 to 1856, that was antagonistic toward Roman Catholics and recent immigrants and whose members preserved its secrecy by denying its existence. Membership was limited to Protestant males of British American lineage.
Kubler Ross, Elisabeth 1926.07.08 - 200408.24
Swiss/American Psychiatrist, pioneer in death and dying studies, Author of On Death & Dying(1969.)
Kuber-Ross Stages of Grief
  1. Denial — "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me." Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of possessions and individuals that will be left behind after death.
  2. Anger — "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; '"Who is to blame?" Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy.
  3. Bargaining — "I'll do anything for a few more years."; "I will give my life savings if..." The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Psychologically, the individual is saying, "I understand I will die, but if I could just do something to buy more time..."
  4. Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die soon so what's the point... What's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?" During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed.
  5. Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it." In this last stage, individuals begin to come to terms with their mortality, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event.
Kübler-Ross originally applied these stages to people suffering from terminal illness. She later expanded this theoretical model to apply to any form of catastrophic personal loss (job, income, freedom). Such losses may also include significant life events such as the death of a loved one, major rejection, end of a relationship or divorce, drug addiction, incarceration, change in office environment, the onset of a disease or chronic illness, an infertility diagnosis, as well many tragedies and disasters.


using very few words; taciturn, reticent, succinct, pithy. [ L. from Gk Lakōnikos, from Lakōn ‘Laconia, Sparta,’ the Spartans being known for their terse speech.]
  • Third book of the bible; famous for
  • laws which treat of the functions of the priests, or the Levites in the larger sense. It is in reality a body of sacerdotal law. The various laws comprising this collection are represented as spoken by Yhwh to Moses between the first day of the first month of the second year after the Exodus and the first day of the second month of the same year (comp. Ex. xl. 17 and Num. i. 1). There is no note of a definite time in Leviticus itself, but from the references cited it is clear that in the continuous narrative of the Pentateuch this is the chronological position of the book. - from Jewish encyclopedia 1901
  • among the laws or rules put forth in Leviticus
    • laws in regard to clean and unclean animals
    • the purification of women after childbirth.
    • the laws of leprosy, giving the signs by which the priest may distinguish between clean and unclean eruptions.
    • directions for the purifications necessary in connection with certain natural secretions of men (2-18) and women (19-30)
  • ddd
• communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations : the head porter works in close liaison with the reception office.
• a person who acts as a link to assist communication or cooperation between groups of people : he's our liaison with a number of interested parties.
• a sexual relationship, esp. one that is secret and involves unfaithfulness to a partner.
• the binding or thickening agent of a sauce, often based on egg yolks.
•  Phonetics (in French and other languages) the sounding of a consonant that is normally silent at the end of a word because the next word begins with a vowel.
Likert, Rensis 1903 - 1981
organizational-behavior psychologist.
Likert Scale
Statistics: A method of ascribing quantitative value to qualitative data, to make it amenable to statistical analysis. A numerical value is assigned to each potential choice and a mean figure for all the responses is computed at the end of the evaluation or survey. Used mainly in training course evaluations and market surveys, Likert scales usually have five potential choices (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) but sometimes go up to ten or more. The final average score represents overall level of accomplishment or attitude toward the subject matter.
poem of five anapaestic lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 have seven to ten syllables and rhyme with one another. Lines 3 and 4 have five to seven syllables and also rhyme with each other. Commonly salacious, indecent in language or concept. Edward Lear wrote some limericks that can be recited to children.

A young psychic midget named Marge
Went to jail with a most heinous charge
But despite lock and key
The next day she broke free
And the headlines said "Small Medium at Large"


A preoccupied vegan named Hugh
picked up the wrong sandwich to chew.
He took a big bite
before spitting, in fright,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  • occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.
  • of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. [ lat 19th cent. L. limen, limin- ‘threshold]
printing from an image etched on stone (later metal plates), which revolutionized the mass production of images. Attributed, with considerable authority to Alois Senefelder, who got a
linea alba
A fibrous band that runs vertically along the center of the anterior abdominal wall and receives the attachments of the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, fleurymade of connective tissue representing the fusion of three aponeuroses into a single tendinous band extending from the xiphoid process to the symphysis pubis. It contains the umbilicus. Also called Hunter's line, white line.[fromL. linea, line, albus, white]
myocardial relaxation see article
Luther, Martin 1483.11.10 - 1546.02.18
Theologian, author of 95 theses, translated bible into German,


Malinowski, Bronisław Kasper (1884–1942)
Polish/Austian -British/American anthropologist created term phatic communication/expression and many anthropologically significants things. Pulications include Argonauts of the Western Pacific.
Manseauthor, etc.
the house occupied by a minister of a Presbyterian church.
• a large stately house; a mansion.
Marbury v. Madison
First ruling by the Suporeme Court stiking down a law - ruling the law unconstitutional.
Holding - Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 is unconstitutional to the extent it purports to enlarge the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court beyond that permitted by the Constitution. Congress cannot pass laws that are contrary to the Constitution, and it is the role of the Judicial system to interpret what the Constitution permits.
more or Social Study for Kids
Marcel Wave ( Marcelle)
Waved hair style created by means of heated curling irons. Named for Francois Marcel, 19th century French hairdresser who invented the process in 1872. It revolutionized the art of hairdressing all over the world and remained in vogue for over fifty years, making a fortune for Mr Marcel. Originally known as the "Undulation Marcel", the name evolved to the "Marcel Wave". more …
mass noun
SEMANTICS: a noun which refers to something without clear boundaries or individual members, like milk and gold. Also called mass term. In English, mass nouns cannot be pluralized (cf. *milks) and cannot be used with the indefinite article (cf. *a milk) or with numerals (cf. *one milk). Mass nouns like cattle and furniture are sometimes called collective nouns because they refer to a collection of individuals, but not to any one individual. The opposite of a mass noun is called a count noun.
a noun that refers to an extended substance rather than to each of a set of isolable objects, as, for example, water as opposed to lake. In English when used indefinitely they are characteristically preceded by some rather than a or an; they do not have normal plural forms
a noun that refers to an extended substance rather than to each of a set of isolable objects, as, for example, water as opposed to lake. In English when used indefinitely they are characteristically preceded by some rather than a or an; they do not have normal plural forms
noun denoting something that cannot be counted (e.g., a substance or quality), in English usually a noun that lacks a plural in ordinary usage and is not used with the indefinite article, e.g., luggage, china, happiness.
maternal impressionDon't listen to old wives tales!
the visible effect on a child, in the form of birhtmarks, or deformities, of the mothers experiences ( thoughts, fears, seeing awful or frightening sites) while pregnant. There are no studies providing evidence supporting this theory of physical manifestations from prenatal experience, which is and has been discredited since the early 20th century. The same can not be said of the emotional or psychological impacts - more here
medigram [see]
Medigram is a secure, HIPAA compliant group messaging system for medical professionals. Chat with your colleagues and teams on any platform, from your laptop to your iPhone. Medigram is currently in closed beta. For an invitation, send an email to michael@prntomed.com.
meteoric water
water recently derived from rainfall, snow, etc.
Mew, Charlotte ( 1869 - 1928)
wrote the poem "the changeling" and much more. more about her works here | - | a brief depressing bio here
McVeigh, Timothy James 1968.04.23 - 2001.06.11
Convicted of bombing Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995; executed in 2001.
the half; one of two equal parts; as a moiety of an estate, of goods or of profits; the moiety of a jury or of a nation. from L. medietas ]Webster's 1828
Scotch law The name of an action competent to the proprietor of a landed estate, against those who disturb his possession, It is chiefly used in questions of commonty, or, of controverted marches. Ersk. Prin. B. 4, t. 1, n. 48. - Bouvier
Mount Hor
building Church on Monroe Ave, just before Culver, whose primary purpose seemed to have been to cause children past a certain age to giggle, snicker, nudge, and for the rudest to point at the Church's name on the sign out front; when walking by on the way to Cobb's Hill Park. The Church obtained a new name : New Life Celebration or something similiarly unimginative several years ago. But children don't walk anywhere anymore, so perhaps not such a loss.
geography The place where God spoke to Moses and Aaron telling them they would not enter the promised land because of previous rebellious behavior (drinking water from inside rocks - instead of waiting for instructions ?) Aaron(Moses' brother) died. then and there. Mt Hor's precise identity and location in modern geopgrapghy remains uncertain. Though there are many scholarly opinons, with Jebel Maderah being a strong contender. Google Maps suggests
moyl (mohel)
officiating rabbi who is specially qualified to perform the operation of circumcision (bris.)
physiology, persons An animal which has a conformation contrary to the order of nature. Dunglison's Human Physiol. vol. 2, p. 422.
A monster, although born of a woman in lawful wedlock, cannot inherit. Those who have however the essential parts of the human form and have merely some defect of coformation, are capable of inheriting, if otherwise qualified. 2 Bl. Com. 246; 1 Beck's Med. Jurisp. 366; Co. Litt. 7, 8; Dig. lib. 1, t. 5, l. 14; 1 Swift's Syst. 331 Fred. Code, Pt. 1, b. 1, t. 4, s. 4.
No living human birth, however much it may differ from human shape, can be lawfully destroyed. Traill. Med. Jur. 47, see Briand, Med. Leg. 1ere part. c. 6, art. 2, 3; 1 Fodere, Med. Leg. 402-405.
• a tract of open uncultivated upland; a heath.
• a tract of such land preserved for shooting e.g. grouse moor.
• a fen.
one of those words that means the opposite of itself, or whose meaning has change dramatically over time. [from Old English mot / gemot moot, society, assembly, meeting, court, council, synod; from proto-German motan meeting, assembly]
  • adj. often discussed or argued about and having no definite answer; being an exercise of thought; academic.
  • adj. open to argument or debate; Subject to discussion (originally at a moot); arguable, debatable, unsolved or impossible to solve. chielfy UK, no longer current in US.
  • adj. having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
  • n. hypothetical case that law students argue as an exercise - Moot Court - English law
  • n. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a remedy
  • n. system of arbitration in many areas of Africa in which the primary goal is to settle a dispute and reintegrate adversaries into society rather than assess penalties.
  • v. to think about carefully; or weigh.
Morgantic Marriage
an intermediate estate between matrimony and concubinage, defining a lawful and inseparable conjunction of a single man, of noble and illustrious birth, with a single woman of an inferior or plebeian station, upon this condition, that neither the wife nor children should partake of the title, arms, or dignity of the husband, nor succeed to his inheritance, but should have a certain allowance assigned to them by the morgantic contract. The marriage ceremony was regularly performed; the union: was for life and indissoluble; and the children were considered legitimate, though they could not inherit. [Fred. Code, book 2, art. 3; Potb. Du Marriage, 1, c. 2, s. 2; Shelf. M. & D. 10; Pruss. Code, art. 835]
moutain lion (puma concolor - formerly/alternatly? felis concolor)
the cat of many names: catamount, cougar, mountain cat, pather, painter, puma; native to vast areas of western hemisphere range is a matter of disaggrement, related to the matter of subspecies; the broadest claims include the cougars of eastern north america, and well as western North America, and South America. Expansion of the suburbs has allowed increased variation in diet to include:lap dogs, yip dogs, sleeping dogs, any cats, free range chickens, & rarely –small children. I could have listed this under puma - but in So Cal no one says puma, it is always 'mountain lions' attacking cyclists, and chowing down on neighbor's dogs. Mouse , not having accupuncture
Pertaining to a mouse or to mice. [L. murinus, from mus, muris, a mouse.]
murine model
studies performed with mice, or rats
  • to be absorbed in thought
  • to speak (often to oneself) in a considering manner
  • a woman or force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist
muses, the
Greek/Roman goddesses presiding over arts and science, though science seems rather thinly represented here.
  • Calliope -epic poetry
  • Clio - history
  • Euterpe - flute playing and lyric poetry
  • Erato - love poetry
  • Melpomene - tragedy
  • Polyhymnia - hymns, or songs of praise to the gods
  • Terpsichore - choral singing and dancing
  • Thalia – comedy and light verse
  • Urania – astronomy
diverse superfamily of proteins that function as translocating proteins. They share the common characteristics of being able to bind actins and hydrolyze MgATP. Myosins generally consist of heavy chains which are involved in locomotion, and light chains which are involved in regulation. NALs for way more detail


National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators
NDNQI Award for Outstanding Nursing Quality
Recognizes excellence overall performance on nursing quality indicators.
temporary, for the now/present time
Brit/Australian: sex offender, especially a pedophile?? what about ponce?
nonce word
a word created for special or single use, characterized by immediate ease of understanding. Nonce words may become established, moving into the general lexicon.
made up meaningless sounds which tend to sound like real words.
Non per os – nothing by mouth
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) updated fasting guidelines 2011
Item Minimum Fast
Clear Liquids 2 hours
Breast Milk 4 hours
Infant Formula 6 hours
Non-human milk 6 hours
Light Meal 6 hours
a. fasting time applies to all ages
b. Examples: water, fruit uice without pulp, carbonated beverages, clear tea, black coffee

c. Examples: dry toast and clear liquid. Freid or fatty foods may prolong gastric emptying time. Both amount and type of food must be considered.

The guidleines recommend no routine use of gastrointestinal stimulants, gastric acid secreation blockers, or oral antacids. Source


-oid, -oidal, -oidism, -odic
similar, seeming like, resembling. [ (Gk. eidos, like, resembling, similar to, form)
word-forming element ,eaming bulk, mass" especially in medical use from L. from Greek onko-, onkos bulk, size, mass, body
of or relating to the formation of tumors.
of or caused by a condition of swelling.
oncotic pressure
osmotic pressure exerted by colloids in a solution. AKA colloidal osmotic pressure.
pressure extered by plasma proteins
Equus hemionus onager, wild ass, native to Syria, Iran, Pakistan, India, Israel and Tibet. [ME-> L. -> Gk. onagros; onos ‘ass’ + agrios ‘wild.’]
Roman catapult; siege siege weapon, name probably references the forceful kick of a donkey.
optical brightener
a fluorescent substance added to detergents in order to produce a whitening effect on laundry.
of or involving right angles; at right angles.
Statistics (of variates) statistically independent.
Statistics (of an experiment) having variates that can be treated as statistically independent. [background late 16th cent.: from French, based on Greek orthogōnios ‘right-angled.’ ]
Orwell, George
Pen name of Eric Arthur Blair (1903 - 1950)
the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It connotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson" — a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments.
osmotic pressure
the pressure required to prevent osmosis through a semipermeable membrane between a solution and pure solvent; it is proportional to the osmolality of the solution. Symbol π.
To perform better than the market as a whole for a stated period of time. to topA relative term, a stock that dips only slightly in significantly down market is overperforming. Similarly a stock that goes up faster, or further than market as a whole also overperforms.
the action of overseeing something
an unintentional failure to notice or do something
Separation of powers (checks and balances) - the concept of separate branches of government or agencies exercising authority over one another
Regulation – rulemaking
The principle of pulse oximetry is based on the red and infrared light absorption characteristics of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. Oxygenated hemoglobin absorbs more infrared light and allows more red light to pass through. Deoxygenated (or reduced) hemoglobin absorbs more red light and allows more infrared light to pass through. Red light is in the 600-750


Paré, Ambroise 1510 - 1590
French barber surgeon; anatomist, inventor of surgical instruments; one of the fathers of surgery and modern forensic pathology, pioneer in surgical techniques and battlefield medicine, especially in the treatment of wounds.
mumps (acute, contagious, systemic viral disease, usually causing painful enlargement of the salivary glands, most commonly the parotids).
Specifically distinctive or characteristic of a disease or pathologic condition; a sign or symptom on which a diagnosis can be made.
Webster's 1828 says: Indicating that which is inseparable from a disease, being found in that and in no other; hence, indicating that by which a disease may be certainly known; characteristic; as pathognomonic symptoms. [Gr. passion or suffering, and to know.]
a unit of something time, movement; a portion of time in the life of a person, nation, or civilization characterized by the same prevalent features or conditions : the early medieval period; and last but not least, the punctuation mark at the end of a sentence.
punctuation the dot marking the end of a sentence
rhetoric a complex sentence, esp. one consisting of several clauses, constructed as part of a formal speech or oration.
music a complete idea, typically consisting of two or four phrases
Astronomy the time taken by a celestial object to rotate around its axis, or to make one circuit of its orbit.
mathematics the interval between successive equal values of a periodic function.
Chemistry a set of elements occupying an entire horizontal row in the periodic table.
Astronomy the time taken by a celestial object to rotate around its axis, or to make one circuit of its orbit.
a major division of geological time that is a subdivision of an era and is itself subdivided into epochs, corresponding to a system in chronostratigraphy.
Through or by way of the mouth: a peroral infection; peroral administration of fluids. administered through the mouth, occurring via the mouth.
Petrarch (1304 - 1374)
Francesco Petrarca Italian scholar, early, if not initiating humanis; & poet. Among other things, Petrach is considered the orginal peson to call Avignon "Babylon" from
words or phrases used for social reasons, rather than in order to give information: hello, good-bye, thank you; weather talk, admiring babies, etc. establishing an atmosphere of sociability rather than communicating ideas
phatic communication
commuication that performs as social function, rather than conveying information; small talk (conversation for its own sake); grooming talk. Phatic is from the theories of anthroplogist Malkoski

Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it so that the other half may reach you.

- from Sand and Foam (1926) by Kahil Gibran

(hypothetical) fiery principle formerly assumed to be a necessary constituent of combustible bodies and to be given up by them in burning; flame and burning being the escape of phlogiston.
a term formerly applied (like "Consumption") to the disease of the lung now known as Tuberculosis. - Britannica 1911.
Tuberculosis of the lungs. No longer in scientific use.
measure of type (font) sizeA size of aletter in typewriting, with 10 characters to the inch (about 3.9 to the centimetre).
craving to eat abnormal foods
(also called "Gregorian" chant), the vocal religious practice of the Roman Catholic Church. Plainchant was transmitted by memory until the early 9th century, when the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne arranged for it to be notated, and for standardized plainchant books to be distributed to churches and monasteries across Europe. Limited in pitch range and monophonic (i.e., composed of a single melody with no accompaniment), plainchant was sung largely by monks, nuns, and clerics rather than by professional singers. Plainchant was sung in the Divine Offices, eight daily prayer services using Old Testament texts, and in the Mass, a midmorning celebration of the life and death of Jesus Christ. The Alleluia reproduced here was a chant of jubilation
Plessy v. Ferguson 1896
US Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal". Repudiated in 1954 by Brown v. Board of Education.
~ Plessy, an octeroon was so fair skinned, he had to tell the conductor that he was not white. There question was in part about the right to be seated by class, than by race.- Melissa Harris Perry
plumber's candle
Paraffin candle used for melting the wax on a rag that was to receive molten lead. The wax stopped the lead from sticking to the rag, and the plumber could wipe the pipe joint with it. Thus aiding the sealing process, as well as making the joints appearance better.
chiefly Brit., informal (of a person or part of their body) somewhat fat; chubby.
  • british pimp
  • british slang a man effeminate in his manner and fussy in the way he dresses
  • surname frequency rank in the U.S.: #1137 or 1:9090 families)
  • background: chiefly British, 1872, originally "a pimp, a man supported by women" (pouncey in same sense is attested from 1861), of unknown origin, perhaps from French pensionnaire "boarder, lodger, person living without working." Meaning "male homosexual" first attested 1932 in Auden [OED]. Also as a verb. etymononline
President's Village
The village that raised the presidents - or presence of intact family unit throughout childhood.
Name b. d. inauguration m. F. d. M d.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Washington, George 1732 1799 (67) 1789 (57) 26 11 57
N | –
m. widow
Adams, John 1735 1826 (90) 1797 (61) 28 25 61
Y | –
Jefferson, Thomas 1743 1826 (83) 1801 (57) 28 14 32
N | –
m. widow
Madison, James 1751 1836 (85) 1809 (57) 43 49 77
– | –
m. widow
Monroe, James 1758 1831 (67) 1821 (58) 27 15 15
N | N
Adams, John Quincy 1767 1848 (80) 1825 (57) 30 58 51
– | –
Jackson, Andrew 1767 1845 (78) 1829 (61) 23 0 14
– | –
m. divorcee
Van Buren, Martin 1782 1862 (79) 1837 (54) 24 34 35
– | –
Harrison, William 1773 1841 (68) 1841 (68) 22 18 18
– | –
Tyler, John 1790 1862 (71) 1841 (51)* 23 22 6
– | ?
married x2
Polk, James 1795 1849 (53) 1845 (49) 28 32  
– | –
Taylor, Zachary 1784 1850 (65) 1849 (64) 25 44 38
– | –
Fillmore, Millard 1800 1874 (74) 1850 (50)* 26 63 31
N | N
married x2
Pierce, Franklin 1804 1869 (64) 1853 (48) 29 34 34
- | -
Buchanan, James 1791 1868 (77) 1857 (66) 29 41 -
- | -
never married
Lincoln, Abraham 1809 1865 (56) 1861 (52)* 33 41 9
- | Y
Johnson, Andrew 1808 1875 (66) 1865      
Grant, Ulysses 1822 1885 1869      
Hayes, Rutherford 1822 1883 1877      
Garfield, James 1831 1881 1881      
Arthur, Chester 1829 1886 1881*      
Cleveland, Grover 1837 1908 1885      
Harrison, Benjamin 1833 1901 1889      
Cleveland, Grover 1837 1908 1893      
McKinley, William 1843 1901 1897      
Roosevelt, Theodore 1858 1919 1901*      
Taft, William 1857 1930 1901      
Wilson, Woodrow 1856 1924 1913      
Harding, William 1865 1923 1921      
Coolidge, Calvin 1872 1933 1923*      
Hoover, Herbert 1874 1964 1929      
Roosevelt, Franklin 1882 1945 1933      
Truman, Harry 1884 1972 1945*      
Eisenhower, Dwight 1890 1969 1953 (62) 25 51 55
N | N
Kennedy, John 1917 1963 (46) 1961 (43) 36 N/A N/A
- | -
parents oultived him
Johnson, Lyndon 1908 1973 1963*      
Nixon, Richard 1913 1994 1969      
Ford, Gerald 1913 2006 1974*      
Carter, James 1924 1977      
Reagan, Ronald 1911 2004 1981      
Bush, George W H 1924 1989 (64) 20 48 68
- | -
Clinton, William 1946 1993      
Bush, George W 1946 2001 (58) 31 N/A N/A
- | -
both parents alive
Obama, Barak 1961 2009 (47) 31 21 34
Y | -
Parents divorce @ 3 y/o

* Replaced previous president mid-term

force per unit area
arterial blood pressure the pressure of blood against the walls of any blood vessel.
central venous pressure (CVP) the venous pressure as measured at the right atrium, done by means of a catheter introduced through the median cubital vein to the superior vena cava.
cerebrospinal pressure the pressure or tension of the cerebrospinal fluid, normally 100–150 mm. as measured by the manometer.
detrusor pressure the pressure exerted inwards by the detrusor urinae muscles of the bladder wall.
diastolic pressure , diastolic blood pressure see blood p.
end-diastolic pressure the pressure in the ventricles at the end of diastole, usually measured in the left ventricle as an approximation of the end-diastolic volume, or preload.
intracranial pressure (ICP) pressure of the subarachnoidal fluid.
intraocular pressure the pressure exerted against the outer coats by the contents of the eyeball.
intravesical pressure the pressure exerted on the contents of the urinary bladder; the sum of the intra-abdominal pressure from outside the bladder and the detrusor pressure.
maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) a measure of the strength of respiratory muscles, obtained by having the patient exhale as strongly as possible against a mouthpiece; the maximum value is near total lung capacity.
maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) a measure of the strength of respiratory muscles, obtained by having the patient inhale as strongly as possible with the mouth against a mouthpiece; the maximum value is near the residual volume.
mean arterial pressure (MAP) the average pressure within an artery over a complete cycle of one heartbeat.
mean circulatory filling pressure a measure of the average (arterial and venous) pressure necessary to cause filling of the circulation with blood; it varies with blood volume and is directly proportional to the rate of venous return and thus to cardiac output.
negative pressure pressure less than that of the atmosphere.
oncotic pressure the osmotic pressure due to the presence of colloids in solution.
osmotic pressure the pressure required to prevent osmosis through a semipermeable membrane between a solution and pure solvent; it is proportional to the osmolality of the solution. Symbol π.
partial pressure the pressure exerted by each of the constituents of a mixture of gases.
positive pressure pressure greater than that of the atmosphere.
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) a method of mechanical ventilation in which pressure is maintained to increase the volume of gas left in the lungs at the end of exhalation, reducing shunting of blood through the lungs and improving gas exchange.
pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) intravascular pressure as measured by a catheter wedged into the distal pulmonary artery ; used to measure indirectly the mean left atrial pressure.
pulse pressure the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures.
systolic pressure , systolic blood pressure see blood p.
Valsalva leak point pressure the amount of pressure on the bladder by a Valsalva maneuver at which leakage of urine occurs; a measure of strength of the urethral sphincters.
venous pressure the pressure of blood in the veins.
wedge pressure blood pressure measured by a small catheter wedged into a vessel, occluding it, e.g., pulmonary capillary wedge p.
wedged hepatic vein pressure the venous pressure measured with a catheter wedged into the hepatic vein; used to locate the site of obstruction in portal hypertension.
Principle of Least Effort (Zipf's Law)
Theory proposed in 1949 by Harvard linguist George Kingsley Zipf in Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort. This theory has also been applied in other disciplines, including psychology, sociology, economics, marketing, and information science. Available from Amazon for about the price of a new iPad
In simple terms, the Principle of Least Effort means, for example, that a person in solving his immediate problems will view these against the background of his future problems, as estimated by himself. Moreover, he will strive to solve his problems in such a way as to minimize the total work that he must expend in solving both his immediate problems and his probable future problems. That in turn means that the person will strive to minimize the probable average rate of his work-expenditure (over time). And in so doing he will be minimizing his effort. . . . Least effort, therefore, is a variant of least work.– George Kingsley Zipf
dates Concept Location, Persons
220 BC block printing known to be practiced in China
888 CE block prink book oldest known extant block print book - dated 868
1439 - 1450 movable type Mainz, Germany – Johannes Gutenberg
1400 - 1460 block printing begins to be practiced in Europe
1449 - 1515 Manutius, Aldus Printer, Publisher, Humanist - Developed of Italic type, and much more
1796 lithography München, Bavaria (Germany) – Alois Senefelder
1814 high speed press Koenig's high speed printing press in use printing the Times (London)
1818 Published Senefelder -A Complete Course of Lithography
1837 - 1839 color lithograhphy Godefroy Englemann, Thomas S. Boys
1853 - 1875 offset lithography England, John Strather(offset); Robert Barclay (rubberized roller adaptation)
1890 mimeograph  
1907 silkscreen printing patented in Egland, about a millenium after known use in China
1957 dye sublimation  
1960-1970 phototypesetting  
1993 Digital Printing  
2003 3D Printing  
  • a person, esp. a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities; so "child prodigy" is not redundant
  • an impressive or outstanding example of a particular quality – Dorthy Dunnett uses prodigy in this manner.
  • an amazing or unusual thing, esp. one out of the ordinary course of nature : omens and prodigies abound in Livy's work.[15th Cent. from Latin prodigium ‘portent.’]
(of a person or part of their body) slightly fat : his pudgy fingers.


Q.E.D. quod erat demonstrandum
L. what was to be demonstrated. - Sometimes written at the bottom of a mathematical proof.
q.h. quaque hora
medical every hour - hourly
q.i.d. quatar in die
medical four times a day
q.l. quantum libet
medical as much as he pleases
q.s. quantum sufficit
medical as much as if enough - as much as is needed
the later subjects of classical (European) education; studied after grounding in the trivium.
geometry -
astronomy -
arithmetic –
music –
Quality of Mercy (The Quality of Mercy) - Shakespeare (1600)

The quality of mercy is not strained.

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes

The throned monarch better than his crown.

His scepter shows the force of temporal power,

to topThe attribute to awe and majesty,

Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings.

But mercy is above this sceptered sway;

It is enthroned in the hearts of kings;

It is an attribute of God himself;

And earthly power doth then show like God's

When mercy seasons justice.

puzzled, baffled, mystifed
facial expression indicating mild or amused puzzlement
L. of whom - The number members who presence is required under the rules to make any given meeting constitutional.


artistic movement Originated in France adter 1848, a rejection of romanticismm exaagerated emotionalsim, exotic subject matter, and drama of the romantic movement. Instead it sought to portray real contemporary people of all classes, and situations with truth and accuracy, and not avoiding unpleasant or sordid aspects of life. Realism as an art movement was led by Courbet in France. It spread across Europe and was influential for the rest of the century and beyond, but as it became adopted into the mainstream of painting it becomes less common and useful as a term to define artistic style.
not easily understood
little known, abstruse [17th cent. from L. reconditus hidden, put away]
tending to present a subject or problem in a simplified form, esp. one viewed as crude, simplified to a degree that removes valuable detail; curtailed.
chemistry of or relating to a chemical reaction
computer science In optical character recognition, the relative brightness of the inked area that forms the printed or handwritten character; distinguished from background reflectance and brightness.
electricity Ratio of the load current that is delivered to a particular load when the impedances are mismatched to that delivered under conditions of matched impedances. Also known as mismatch factor; reflectation factor; transition factor
physics The ratio of the energy carried by a wave which is reflected from a surface to the energy carried by the wave which is incident on the surface. Also known as reflectivity.
literary shining brightly. Apparently a word creating for writing of literature, and not for speaking. [15th cent: from L. refulgere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + fulgere ‘to shine.]
not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily [L. reticent- ‘remaining silent,’ from the verb reticere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + tacere ‘be silent.’]
short form for either rhabdomyosarcoma, or rhabdomyolysis. It is well to know which is being referred to; context helps. Asking can be even more helpful.
medicine the destruction of striated muscle cells 2° trauma, or disease process.[background: from 1950's Gk: rhabdos ‘rod’ + myo- + -lysis .

tumor of the muscles that are attached to the bones.It can occur in many places in the body. The most common sites are the structures of the head and neck, the urogenital tract, and the arms or legs. The most common soft tissue tumor in children. …Medline



[L. sacerdotalis "of or pertaining to a priest," from sacerdos"priest," literally "offerer of sacrifices," from sacer "holy" + stem of dare "to give"
Safe Patient Handling Bill
Effective 2012/01/01 The regulatory mechanism is still to be developed.
favorable to or promoting well-being
Roman Goddess of health
beneficial, producing good effects even though sometimes unpleasant in itself.
archaic health giving [L. salutaris, from salus, -utis, health safety]
salutary neglect
British practice of administrative neglect towards AMerican Colonies during much of the 17th and 18th century, which manifested as freedom from trade and other restrictions,presumed to have allowed American colonies to develop more successfully than might otherwise have occured. There is debate as to whether this practice was due to deliberate policy, or administrative incompetence. Whatever the cause, the phrase celebrating the condition itself is from a speech entittled Speech for the Conciliation with the Colonies before House of Commons 1775.03.22 by Edmund Burke citing "wise and salutary neglect" as prime factor in the booming comercial success of the North American Colonies. Virgina.org or wiki
sand on beaches
Sources of sand Principle sources of near shore sediment for costal areas are streams and rivers which transport sand directly to the ocean. Sand is also derived from the gradual wearing away and weathering of rock formations and cliffs exposed on the shore. Shell, core and other skeletal fragments provide sediment to some beaches, especially those in the tropics.
Sand transport and deposition Sand is moved along the coast by wave action, wind and currents. The movement of sand up and down the coast is called longshore transport. Coastal features, both natural and built, can indicate the presence and direction of longshore transport. Obstacles in the path of longshore transport, such as headlands, groynes, and breakwates, cause accretion on the updrift side resulting in build-up of sand on the beach. A similar amount of erosion occurs along the coast on downdrift side. Beach Sand is also moved onshore and offshore by the action of waves, tides, and currents. High-energy storm waves erode sand from the beach. This sand is often deposited offshore as submerged sandbars. During periods of calm weather, low-energy waves move sand from offshore sources and deposit it back on the beach forming a berm parallel to the shoreline. more from source
loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of the aging process. background :
English, englishman. [Scottish Gaelic Sasunnoch, Irish Sasanach, from Latin Saxones ‘Saxons.’
A temporary structure or platform made of metal framing from which workers can access difficult-to-reach areas.
eccentric; impulsively whimsical, or irrational person, from term in baseball for a certain type of pitch
adj. irrational, impulsive, or unworkable
baseball a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown; pitch that curves in the direction opposite to that of a curve ball.
screwball comedy
film genre of romantic comedy from Hollywood in the '30's and 40's characterized by farcical situations, fast-paced repartee and romantic relationships crossing class lines.
construction n. straight edge[tool] used for leveling concrete over forms. Also used to assist in leveling the application of plaster. construction dictionary
writing n. long (even tedious)speech, or document, especially when read aloud
Senenfelder, Aloys 1771.11.06 - 1834.02.26
Bavarian actor, playright, and developer of the lithographic printing process for which he received not a little fame, a little pension, a nice decoration from the King of Bavaria, and statue in Solnfeld - source of excellent limestone used in producing lithographs.
secular music
music that is not affiliated with any religious practice or tradition. The vast majority of music in the modern world is secular. Intent and lyrical content are usually more important than musical style when determining whether music is or is not secular. Historically, the balance between religious and secular music tended to tilt in the other direction, especially during the Middle Ages.
member of the lowest feudal class, attached to the land owned by a lord and required to perform labor in return for certain legal or customary rights.
A servant or slave employed in husbandry, and in some countries, attached to the soil and transferred with it. - Webster's 1828.
There is this essential difference between a serf and a slave; the serf was bound simply to labor on the soil where he was born, without any right to go elsewhere without the consent of his lord; but he was free to act as he pleased in his daily action: the slave on the contrary is the property of his master, who may require him to act as he pleases in every respect, and who may sell him as a chattel. Lepage, Science du Droit, c. 3, art. 2, §2. in Bouvier 1858.
service recovery
Service recovery is a critical -- yet all too often missing—element in providing customer service that will attract and retain customers and have a positive impact on the bottom line of any business -- no matter where it is located or what product or service it provides. In his latest book -- Loyal for Life: How to Take Unhappy Customers from Hell to Heaven in 60 Seconds or Less -- John Tschohl defines service recovery, details its importance to the bottom line, identifies role models, and describes the elements of service recovery.
“Service recovery builds customer loyalty that brings a customer back from the brink of defection,” says Tschohl, founder and president of the Service Quality Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota. “Simply put, it is putting a smile on a customer’s face after you’ve screwed up. It’s solving a customer’s problem or complaint and sending him out the door feeling as if he’s just done business with the greatest company on earth -- and it’s doing so in 60 seconds or less.”
Service recovery involves a series of steps that must be taken in order to attract -- and retain— -- customers. In his 128-page book, Loyal for Life, Tschohl identifies and describes those steps. They include:
Apologize. “You must apologize and take responsibility for the error,” Tschohl says. “For service recovery to work, it has to happen with the first person the customer tells about the problem. Unfortunately, many employees don’t want to admit that they or their company screwed up, so they lie or make excuses, which irritates the customer even more. You must apologize sincerely on behalf of the company.”
Solve the problem. Once made aware of the situation, the employee must do whatever is necessary -- as quickly as possible -- to solve the problem. That means, Tschohl says, that employees must be empowered. They must be given the authority to bend and break the rules in order to satisfy the customer.
“Empowerment is the backbone of service recovery,” Tschohl says. “It’s impossible to be a service leader, to be customer centric and focus on a service strategy without empowering employees. My definition of empowerment is giving employees the authority to do whatever it takes, on the spot, to take care of a customer to that customer’s satisfaction—not to the organization’s satisfaction.”
Give the customer something of value as compensation. “To simply say you’re sorry is nice, but it’s not very powerful,” Tschohl says. “You must give the customer something that has value in his eyes, something so powerful that he not only will continue to patronize your business but will tell everyone he knows about the wonderful service you provided to him. Every company has something of value it can give to a customer who has experienced a problem. It can cost the company from nothing to a few dollars but, as long as it has value in the customer’s eyes, it will be effective.”
Tschohl was on the receiving end of exceptional service recovery while skiing in Vail. The chair lift stopped, stranding dozens of skiers for an hour. Three times members of the ski patrol came by to provide updates on the situation. When the skiers finally reached the top of the mountain, three Vail employees greeted them, apologized for the inconvenience, and gave them each two free lift tickets -- worth $70 each -- and a ticket for a free drink. from
[L. servans, from servo, to keep or hold; properly one that waits, that is, stops, holds, attends, or one that is bound.]
single malt
whiskey unblended with any other malt.
single malt Scotch
Single Malt Scotch is whisky made in Scotland using a pot still distillation process at a single distillery, with malted barley as the only grain ingredient.
  • As with any Scotch whisky, a Single Malt Scotch must be distilled in Scotland and matured in oak casks in Scotland for at least three years (most single malts are matured longer).
  • "Malt" indicates that the whisky is distilled from a single "malted" grain. Several types of grains can be malted (for example, barley, rye and wheat are all grains which can be malted); however, in the case of single malt Scotch, barley is always the (only) grain used.
  • Single" indicates that all the malts in the bottle come from a single distillery. Multi-distillery malts are usually called "blended malt", "vatted malt" or "pure malt".
to top
• make (a powdered material) coalesce into a solid or porous mass by heating it (and usually also compressing it) without liquefaction.
• coalesce in by the method of sintering.
• solid material that has been sintered, especially a mixture of iron ore and other materials prepared for sintering.
• a hard siliceous or calcareous deposit precipitated from mineral springs. n. Geology
• One bound in servitude as the property of a person or household.
• One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence
person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no will of his own, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another. In the early state of the world, and to this day among some barbarous nations, prisoners of war are considered and treated as slaves. The slaves of modern times are more generally purchased, like horses and oxen. - Webster's 1828.
Bondage; the state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another. Slavery is the obligation to labor for the benefit of the master, without the contract of consent of the servant. Slavery may proceed from crimes, from captivity or from debt. Slavery is also voluntary or involuntary; voluntary, when a person sells or yields his own person to the absolute command of another; involuntary, when he is placed under the absolute power of another without his own consent. Slavery no longer exists in Great Britain, not in the northern states of America. - Webster's 1828.
solar flare
the chief law officer of a city, town, or government department.
Brit. a member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters. Different from a Barrister.

A speck that would have been beneath my sight

On any but a paper sheet so white

Set off across what I had written there.

And I had idly poised my pen in air

To stop it with a period of ink

When something strange about it made me think,

This was no dust speck by my breathing blown,

But unmistakably a living mite

With inclinations it could call its own.

It paused as with suspicion of my pen,

And then came racing wildly on again

To where my manuscript was not yet dry;

Then paused again and either drank or smelt--

With loathing, for again it turned to fly.

Plainly with an intelligence I dealt.

It seemed too tiny to have room for feet,

Yet must have had a set of them complete

To express how much it didn't want to die.

It ran with terror and with cunning crept.

It faltered: I could see it hesitate;

Then in the middle of the open sheet

Cower down in desperation to accept

Whatever I accorded it of fate.

I have none of the tenderer-than-thou

Collectivistic regimenting love

With which the modern world is being swept.

But this poor microscopic item now!

Since it was nothing I knew evil of

I let it lie there till I hope it slept.

I have a mind myself and recognize

Mind when I meet with it in any guise

No one can know how glad I am to find

On any sheet the least display of mind.

Some Considerable Speck - Robert Frost

a person who spends money in an extravagant, irresponsible way.
straw man
  • rhetoric logical fallacy, using misrepresentation of the opposing position
  • agriculture scarecrow - Dorothy met one on the way to Oz. Clothes stuffed with straw and mounted on a pole to scare away birds from the crop. Long since superceded by corn guns.
  • social unrest an effigie, for hanging or burning, or both. Created to meance the person represented by the effige.
  • law a frontman, or a third party acting for another in a transaction
  • literature a symbol for people lacking in needed qualities
straw man proposal
business simple draft, or early form of a porposal intended to generate discussion
to generate pus; fester. [L. suppuro; sub and pus, puris.] 'The supperating wound that is the …
behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others. Raised eyebrow [L. supercilosus 'haughty']
eyebrow (above the eyelid) [background. L. Super + cilium 'eyelid']
supercritical fluid
supercede and replace. [L. supplantare ‘trip up,’ from sub- ‘from below’ + planta ‘sole.']
sweep the leg
line from just before the final fight scene of The Karate Kid ranking with "wax on wax off" for durability and fame. Karate Kid quotes here
biology: interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both. May be used to describe fleeting or persistant interactions (though with some disagreement by scientists.) [from Greek: syn, together, bios, life]
  • commesalistic s. -relationship between organisms where one organism benefits without affecting the other.
  • mutualistic s. - organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each individual
  • parasitic s. -inclusion of parasitic intereactions is disputed. Relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.
  • obligate s. one organism cannot complete its lifecycle with exploitng a suitable host.
  • to topectosymbiosis - one organism lives upon another ( mistletoe?)
  • endosymbiosis - one organism lives inside another ( think instestinal bacteria)
adj inspite of being the commoner term, doesn't rate its own listing, acknowledged only as a dependent of symbiosis.
Ellision of a vowel sound from the interior of a word, sometimes marked by an apostrophy.(cam(e)ra, fam(i)ly, mem(o)ry, and butt(o)ning).


expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one
terra firma
L. solid land - Used to mean the ground itself?
terra incognita
L. unknown land.
terra nova
L. unknown land.
the Troubles
the not so civil conflict in Northern Ireland between Nationalists (Irish, Roman Catholic) and Unionist (Britsh, Protestant) over Northern Island political status, and legal discrimination according lower status to Irish/Catholic citizens in Northern Ireland; starting in the 1960's and continuing into the 1980's, when it was ended by the Anglo-Irish Agreement of 1985, except that the Troubles continued into the '90's until the Belfast "Good Friday" Agreement of 1998, except the violence continued until the signing of the Hillsborough Castle Agreement in 2010, and so on. Some have called this a war. Like the US space program certain technical and cultural advances are directly attributed to the Troubles: knee reconstruction/replacement surgery, and mounted cameras monitoring the streets. more the Troubles 1963 - 1985 (BBC) -|- A Chronology (infoplease)
• the northernmost part of the habitable world. A figurative term derived from an unidentified actual location which might have been lands in what is now Norway,or Iceland, or the Shetlands; or not. [OE Thule from L. from Gk. Thyle "land six days' sail north of Britain" (Polybius)] Also 'Ultima Thule'
• Town of northwest Greenland northwest of Cape York. A U.S. naval base was built here during World War II.
• Native American culture originating in the Bering Strait region (c. 400 CE), spreading to the atlantic coast of Canada; flourishing from about 1000 to 1600. more …
• Business manufacturing car top storage, bike racks, etc. Founded 1942 in Norway. more…
THULE, the Greek and Roman name for the most northerly known land in the north Atlantic. The first to use the name was the Greek navigator Pytheas (about 300 B.C. probably). He calls it the most northerly of the British Isles and says that he reached it after six days' sail from Britain: it was inhabited, but produced little; corn grew there sparingly and ripened ill; in summer the nights were long and bright. This account of his travels is lost save for fragments, and the few surviving fragments do not determine where his Thule was, but Miillenhoff is probably right in thinking it was the Shetlands. The Faeroes, Iceland and Norway have also been suggested, but are for various reasons much less likely. After Pytheas, the name is used loosely for the farthest north. Thus Agricola's fleet in A.D. 84 sailing up the east coast of Scotland is said to have espied but not to have reached Thule ("dispecta est Thule") but the phrase is merely literary. The actual point meant may be the Orkneys or the Shetlands, or even some fragment of Scotland seen across the water. In some later writers (Procopius, &c.) Thule seems sometimes used to denote Scandinavia. The phrase "ultimaThule" is commonly used to describe the farthest limit possible. - Encyclopedia Britanica 1911
thin filaments
actin filaments occurring in association with troponin and tropomyosin, in striated muscle.
t.i.d. ter in die
medical three times a day
Till, Emmet (1941 - 1955)
Teenager tortured, mutilated, & killed August 1955 in Mississippi. His body was recovered from Tallahatchie River, and displayed in an open casket at his funeral in Chicago, IL, providing/forcing very public graphic awareness of the brutality of his death. This murder became a symbol, rallying point, and vehicle for addressing injustice. Till's original casket is now at the Smithsonian Museum.
tissue tropism
The localization of a pest, parasite or pathogen to a specific tissue during host infection. NAL
define NOAA on tornados
trench foot
Immersion foot; presents as pale, edematous, clammy, cold, and numb extremities. Tissue maceration may occur if patients walk extensively. Rewarming causes hyperemia, pain, and often hypersensitivity to light touch, which persist for 6 to 10 wk. Skin may ulcerate, or a black eschar may develop. Autonomic dysfunction is common, with increased or decreased sweating, vasomotor changes, and local hypersensitivity to temperature change. Muscle atrophy and dysesthesia or anesthesia may occur and become chronic.
the beginning subjects of classical (European) education; combined with the quadrivum the second, more advanced content, comprised the liberal education of medieval Europe.
grammar - the mechanics of language
logic - the mechanics of thought and analysis
rhetoric - the use of language to instruct and persuade
  1. computing v. posting inflamatory remarks online. n. one who makes inflammatory posts; and or a person whose posts you disagree with.
  2. Scandinavian folklore early tales: giant, monstrous being, sometimes possessing magic powers. If exposed to sunlight they burst or turned to stone. In later tales trolls often are man-sized or smaller beings similar to dwarfs and elves. They live in mountains, sometimes steal human maidens, and can transform themselves and prophesy. Henrik Ibsen, uses trolls in Peer Gynt (1867) and The Master Builder (1892) as symbols of destructive instincts. see…
  3. to fish by drawing a baited line through water, usually from a moving boat
  4. to sing in rounds ( purposely starting at different times, therefore singing different parts at the same time)
  1. trolls with a small alteration of the closing consonants, after emigration to the Shetland and Orkeny Islands and becoming small malign creatures who dwell in mounds or near the sea.
  2. boat design for spear fishing; or flat-bottomed sailing boats used for fishing or for carrying bulk goods [?]
  3. a cargo boat
  4. archaic to think, believe, or trust, suppose
[from M.E. trowen, from O.E. trowian, to trust] or [O.E. treow; related to Old Frisian triūwe, Old Saxon treuwa, Old High German triuwa; see troth, true]


biochemistry class of compounds that occur in all living cells and that act as electron-transfer agents in cell respiration. They are substituted quinones. [1950 portmanteau from ubiquitous and quinone]
• co-enzyme Q
German submarine WWI & WW II [G. U-Boot from unterseeboot, undersea boat]
Province in Ireland, now divided between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
man from Ulster ( therefore Irish)
Ultima Thule
Universal Jurisdiction
cc article on Universal Jurisdiction dd
a cord of fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the navel and constituting the functionless remnant of a part of the duct of the allantois of the embryo. Failure for the lumen of the urachus to be filled in leaves a patent (open) urachus. The telltale sign is leakage of urine through the umbilicus. A patent urachus needs to be surgically removed. family info on hospitalization for patient urachus repair


vagina dentata
the motif of a vagina with teeth, occurring in folklore and fantasy and said to symbolize male fears of the dangers of sexual intercourse, esp. of castration.
velvet shoes
  • Let us walk in the white snow
  • In a soundless space;
  • With footsteps quiet and slow,
  • At a tranquil pace,
  • Under veils of white lace.
  • I shall go shod in silk,
  • And you in wool,
  • White as white cow’s milk,
  • More beautiful
  • Than the breast of a gull.
  • We shall walk through the still town
  • In a windless peace;
  • We shall step upon white down,
  • Upon silver fleece,
  • Upon softer than these.
  • We shall walk in velvet shoes:
  • Wherever we go
  • Silence will fall like dews
  • On white silence below.
  • We shall walk in the snow.
  • by Elinor Wylie ( not Amy Lowell)
verba volant, scripta manent
L. words fly away, writings remain - From a speech of Caio Titus at the Roman Senate (presumably, one that was written down, thereby avoiding a self-described state.) Or possibily it is from other source; it has been translated more poetically as "Spoken words blow with the wind - but what is written will remain". por ejemplo
a bright bluish-green encrustation or patina formed on copper or brass by atmospheric oxidation, consisting of basic copper carbonate.
a representative, deputy or substitute; anyone acting "in the person of" or agent for a superior (compare "vicarious" in the sense of "at second hand"). In this sense, the title is comparable to lieutenant. Linguistically, vicar is the root of the English prefix "vice," similarly meaning "deputy." It is also distantly related through a common PIE root, to the Persian word vezir, familiar in English in the form vizier, which is cognate with it. (in the Roman Catholic Church) a representative or deputy of a bishop. • (in the Episcopal Church) a member of the clergy in charge of a chapel. • (in the Church of England) an incumbent of a parish where tithes formerly passed to a chapter or religious house or layman. • (in other Anglican Churches) a member of the clergy deputizing for another. • a cleric or choir member appointed to sing certain parts of a cathedral service. [Middle English : via Anglo-Norman French from Old French vicaire, from Latin vicarius ‘substitute,’ from vic- ‘change, turn, place’ (compare with vice ).]
• dramatic or fictional character who is typically at odds with the hero. • the cause of particular trouble or an evil. • obsolete A peasant regarded as vile and brutish.
villein [villain]
• One of a class of feudal serfs who held the legal status of freemen in their dealings with all people except their lord.• a peasant personally bound to his lord, to whom he paid dues and services, sometimes commuted to rents, in return for his land. [Middle English: vilein, feudal serf, person of coarse feelings, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin villnus, feudal serf, from Latin villa]
vitriol (oil of vitriol)
sulphuric acid (archaic) figurative cruel and bitter criticism


a peat-accumulating wetland with no significant inflow or outflow of water. Meteoric water is the main water source. High groundwater level. Low mineral content in soil and water. High level organic material (decomposing). Highly acidic (low pH) mostly from sulfuric acid.
a peat-accumulating wetland with drainage or connections to the groundwater. Supports marshlike vegetation. High mineral content in water and soil that feeds the fen. High groundwater level, occupies a low point of relief. Rich in Ca, Mg, Ma, K. Low acidity (high pH). A fen is a type of wetland fed by mineral-rich surface water or groundwater. They support a wide range of animals and plants, many of which are tall marsh plants growing closely together.
a continually/frequently inundated wetland that is dominated by emergent, herbaceous vegetation. Marshes typically are shallow with few floating plants. Marshes may form near surface water (such as a stream). They are the transition between land and water.
prairie potholes
shallow marshlike ponds formed in glacial depressions, such as kettles and depressions near moraines
a wetland dominated by trees. A swamp is like a wetland within a forest. May form near surface water. Typically about 30 percent of the area must be dominated by trees for it to be considered a swamp. Reeds and grasses may grow along the edge of the swamp.
tidal marsh
a continually/frequently inundated salt water wetland that is dominated by emergent, herbaceous vegetation. Tidal marshes typically are shallow and form in transition areas between land and water (surrounding salt water bays, mouths of rivers, tidal pool areas) from
not wetlands
meadow( to dry); estuary, lagoon(too wet)


fleuryleft-handed, wrongways, contrary to the ordinary or expected direction; opposite the sun's path.
x-height @typophile
a web site which allows its readers to freely add and edit content and to create links between different pieces of content.
quick [Hawaiian: wikiwiki quick]


the sword-fish
a comet shaped like a sword. [Gk xiphi - sword]
tip of the sternum [Gk. xiphos sword + eidos, resemblance/-oid]
any of various diseases characterized by extreme dryness of the skin, esp. a mild form of ichthyosis.
xeroderma pigmetosum
enzyme defect in enzyme that repairs DNA after damage from ultraviolet rays, resulting in extreme sensitivity to sunlight and a tendency to develop skin cancer.
the height of the lowercase x in a typeface; the exact method of measure is different in different uses
•(typography) the x-height or corpus size refers to the distance between the baseline and the mean line in a typeface. this is the height of the letter x in the font. The ratio of the x-height to the body height is one of the major characteristics that defines the appearance of a typeface, and the subject of much discussion as to strengths and weaknesses of larger or smaller x-heights.
•(computing) x-height , called 'ex' in CSS.
The use of ex in dimensioning objects, however, is less stable than use of the em across browsers. Internet Explorer, for example, dimensions ex at exactly one half of em, whereas Mozilla Firefox dimensions ex closer to the actual x-height of the font, rounded relative to the font's current pixel height. Thus, the exact ratio of ex to em can also vary by font size within a browser if the determined values are rounded to the nearest whole unit. For example, a browser calculating an x-height of 45% on a font 10 pixels tall may round ex to either 4 pixels or 5 pixels or leave it at 4.5 pixels.
In digital fonts, the x-height is specified in the font as a proportion of the Em, typically with 1000 or 2048 units to the Em. Additionally, many typographers state the x-height as a proportion of the total vertical span of the lowercase, often limited to simply the ascender height. This practice is based on the realization that lowercase letters constitute approximately 95% of text.
yak - bovis grunniens
domestic ox, native to Tibet.
talk; talk a lot; talk on trivial
vomit; nauseating phenomenon
Zipf, George Kingsley
Linguist, philogist, statistician A man who pointed out that common things are few and uncommon things are many. So move over Ocam's Razor. death notice in the Harvard Crimsom
Zipf's Law
Zipf's law is useful as a rough description of the frequency distribution of words in human languages: there are a few very common words, a middling number of medium frequency words, and many low frequency words. [G.K.] Zipf saw in this a deep significance. According to his theory both the speaker and the hearer are trying to minimize their effort. The speaker's effort is conserved by having a small vocabulary of common words and the hearer's effort is lessened by having a large vocabulary of individually rarer words (so that messages are less ambiguous). The maximally economical compromise between these competing needs is argued to be the kind of reciprocal relationship between frequency and rank that appears in the data supporting Zipf's law.–  (Christopher D. Manning and Hinrich Schütze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. The MIT Press, 1999)
The Reformed confession based on the Second Helvetic Confession promulgated by Zwingli's successor Heinrich Bullinger in the 1560s.
Zwingle, Huldrych/ Ulrich(1484 - 1531)
Swiss Reformation; Luther's Williams Jennings Bryan.- see more here

to Look Up

Des Monstres (by Paré) - represent a new idea -causes of deformities must be held in nature, rather than attributed to the wrath of God.
incubus / sucubus
Sir Thomas Browne Religio Medici (1642)

area under the curve , areas under the ROC curve (AUCS)


iterrater reliability, intraclass coeffcient

confidence interval (CI)

clincal deterioration


limited studies ( does this phrase have a specific meaning? is limited studies an adj. modifying studies, to mean not very many; or to many the studies were limited, reduced, circumsribed in some way? If so is that a poke, or dig at the study?

maternal impression
Des Monstres (by Paré) - represent a new idea -causes of deformities must be held in nature, rather than attributed to the wrath of God.
Sir Thomas Browne Religio Medici (1642)



Still don't understand even after looking up

  • enthalpy - a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the total heat content of a system. It is equal to the internal energy of the system plus the product of pressure and volume. (Symbol: H)

Humanities Buzz Terms

term with multiple meanings
  • quizL meanining 1
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
age of doubt
  • quizL The tension between the idealism of the past, the harsh new realities of the present, and the insecurity of the future helped shape a particular sensibility during the Realist Period that is characterized by both optimism and anxiety. In their most positive manifestations, social values among the middle classes during this time comprised an earnest sense of individual responsibility, propriety, and productivity. However, underlying 19th-century ideologies of progress is a competing attitude of foreboding regarding the dramatic effects of modernization.
  • book 2011: The Victorian era was the first great "Age of Doubt" and a critical moment in the history of Western ideas. Leading nineteenth-century intellectuals battled the Church and struggled to absorb radical scientific discoveries that upended everything the Bible had taught them about the world. In The Age of Doubt, distinguished scholar Christopher Lane tells the fascinating story of a society under strain as virtually all aspects of life changed abruptly.
  • book 2008: Inspector Mont Alban book 14 in a series. Whodiniit? In Italian by Andrea Camilleri, translation by Stephen Sartarelli.
  • meanining 4
  • quizL era
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL era
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL era
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL era
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL era
  • art the movement or style of representing familiar things as they actually are. Often contrasted with idealism. While realism in art is often used in the same contexts as naturalism, implying a concern to depict or describe accurately and objectively, it also suggests a deliberate rejection of conventionally beautiful or appropriate subjects in favor of sincerity and a focus on simple and unidealized treatment of contemporary life.
  • movement late 19th-century movement in French painting and literature represented by Gustave Courbet in the former and Balzac, Stendhal, and Flaubert in the latter
  • philosophy 1 the doctrine that universals or abstract concepts have an objective or absolute existence. The theory that universals have their own reality is sometimes called Platonic realism because it was first outlined by Plato's doctrine of “forms” or ideas. Often contrasted with nominalism.
  • philosophy 2 the doctrine that matter as the object of perception has real existence and is neither reducible to universal mind or spirit nor dependent on a perceiving agent. Often contrasted with idealism
  • quizL era
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL era
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
Periods & Eras of Western Classical Music
  • early Medieval c. 500–1400, (or 900–1450)
  • early Renaissance c. 1400–1600, (or 1450–1600)
  • commmon practice Baroque 1600–1760, (or 1600-1750)
  • commmon practice Classical 1730–1820, (or 1750–1825)
  • commmon practice Romanitic c. 1780–1910, (or 1825–1900)
  • commmon practice Impressionist c. 1875–1925
  • Modern & Contemporary Modern-High Modern c.1890-1975
  • Modern & Contemporary 20th-century 1900–2000, (or 1900-2000)
  • Modern & Contemporary Contemporary-Poatmodern c. 1975–present
  • Modern & Contemporary 21st-century 2000–present

Humanities Terms

age of doubt
  • quizL The tension between the idealism of the past, the harsh new realities of the present, and the insecurity of the future helped shape a particular sensibility during the Realist Period that is characterized by both optimism and anxiety. In their most positive manifestations, social values among the middle classes during this time comprised an earnest sense of individual responsibility, propriety, and productivity. However, underlying 19th-century ideologies of progress is a competing attitude of foreboding regarding the dramatic effects of modernization.
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
age of exploration
  • quizL time period between early 15th and early 17th centuries when Europeans sailed around the globe and transferred goods, foods, plants and slaves transforming the countries they reached
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL a work of are which represents some abstract quality or idea, often religious or political, by means of symbolic representation
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL an outdoor theater, the shape of the theater amplifies the sound
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
Ancient Greek Art
  • quizL and architecture served to promote religion, present beauty, and glorify Athenian society
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
Ancient Roman Art
  • quizL and architecture focused on themes of power, military victory, and heroism.
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL The Anglican Church was formed by King Henry VIII of England when the Pope refused to annul his marriage. It became the largest Protestant movement in England.
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
Art Nouveau
  • quizL late 19th - mid 20th century - favored sinous lines, curves,and organic motifs such as plants and flowers
  • ?? meanining 2
  • ?? meanining 3
  • ?? meanining 4
  • quizL music that is written in a way that avoids centering around a specific key
  • ?? meanining 2
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  • quizL the achievement of putting into harmony that are in dynamic tension with one another - Hmmmm.
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  • quizL movement of the early 17th and 18th centuries in art, arcitecture and music known for its religious focus and its elaborate and extensive use of ornamentation
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blank verse
  • quizL a verse written in iambic pentameter without a beat
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  • quizL religion originated in India; Buddhists seek the path to enlightenment through spiritual and physical discipline. Siddhartha Gautama - the Buddha (enlightened one)
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Byronic Hero
  • quizL a stereotypical character of a Romantic novel; an exceptional and gifted loner, perhaps misunderstood who was driven to follow personal passion rather than traditional societal expectations
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  • quizL a sect of Protestantism formed by John Calvin, who believed in a majestic and angry God, the concept of predestination, and strict religious regulations by which to live.
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  • quizL the creation of the illusion of depth through gradations of light and shade
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  • quizL a group of characters that comment on the action and provide society's view of the events, also a group of singers
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  • quizL renaissance version? the cultural movement of the Renaissanse based on Greek and Roman classic literature that emphasised the dignity, worth, and rationality of humankind
  • quizL neoclassicism version: During this time, a system of philosophical clarity was also developed, largely by the mathematician Gottfried Leibniz. ;;; or the quality of being easily understood or clearly expressed
  • ?? or the quality of being easily understood or clearly expressed
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classical humanism
  • quizL the cultural movement of the Renaissanse based on Greek and Roman classic literature that emphasised the dignity, worth, and rationality of humankind
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  • quizL In the arts, a resurgence of classical ideals like harmony, realism, and reason inspired the neoclassical movement. ,,, close
  • ?? aesthetic attitudes and priciples found in the art, architecture and literature of ancient Greece and Rome
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  • quizL the political, economic and cultural domination by one country over another country or region
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  • quizL sympathetic main characters experience a happy ending
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comedia dell'arte
  • quizL improvisational sketches or stock scenes presented on temporary stages by troupes of actors who traveled across Europe.
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  • quizL a composition for soloist and orchestra in three movements (1st & 3rd movements fast, 2nd slow)
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Daoism (taoism)
  • quizL philosophical system based on the teachings of Lao-tzu; followers seek Dao ("the way") which they believe governs the universe
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  • ?? classical period
  • quizL the theory of revolution by natural selection developed by Charles Darwin ;;; Charles Darwin's theory of evolution due to natural selection shed new light on the development of humans as a species; Realists valued Darwin's empirical proof over religious faith. Realists rejected Romantic idealism and instead embraced scientific materialism, empiricism, and principles of objective reality.
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  • quizL A shift in religious thinking also took place with the growth of deism, a belief system that credits God as the original architect of the universe's natural laws but who does not currently oversee the events of the world. ;;; the belief thag God created the natural laws that govern nature but does not directly intervene or interfere in any way
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  • quizL government directly ruled by the people; a form developed by the Greeks
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  • quizL ???
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  • quizL Greek god of wine and fertility, associated with theater and arts
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discovery (recognition)
  • quizL three distinctive types, or orders, of columns
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Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
  • quizL three distinctive types, or orders, of columns
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double entendre
  • quizL when a word or phrase can be understood two ways
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  • quizL philosophical doctrine that says all knowledge is derived from our senses
  • ?? First developed in the Renaissance by scientists such as Francis Bacon, empiricism may be defined as basing ideas and theories on the direct experience of the senses, including experimentation, as opposed to knowledge gained from books. ;;; a philosophical doctring that says all knowledge is derived from our senses
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  • quizL the period (17th - 18th centuries) during which a notable shift toward rational thinking and advancement occured in science, philosophy, society and politics
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  • quizL a long poem recounting the deeds of a legendary hero, any narrative work (novel, drama, film) dealing with epic themes
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  • quizL the study of thinking
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  • quizL points to the character of the speaker/writer and the question of credibility.
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  • quizL As cross-continental transportation became easier and colonialism became more widespread, Europeans became more exposed to nonwestern cultures that fascinated them. Exoticism was the artistic expression of that fascination, though often Europeans misrepresented the foreign and suppressed cultures they enjoyed. ;;; an artistic trend that took place in Europe in the 19th century, which borrowed and glorified cultural aspects from non-Western civilizations
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Expansion of the University System
  • quizL The Renaissance approach to education produced the ideal of the wellRounded individual who was not bound to any one discipline. As the university system spread across Europe, it represented a significant change in epistemology.
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  • quizL the deliberate introduction of information suggesting an event will take place later in the story
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  • quizL ???
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  • quizL ???
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Golden Mean
  • quizL ???
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Gothic literature
  • quizL ???
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Gothic Revival
  • quizL ???
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Greek architecture
  • quizL ???
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Greek Philosophers
  • quizL ???
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  • quizL ???
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  • quizL ???
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  • quizL ???
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  • quizL ???
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iambic pentameter
  • quizL ???
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  • quizL ???
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In Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus
  • quizL ???
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Individualism /self fashioning
  • quizL the 19th century transition from an agrarian economy to one dominated by machine manufacturing
  • ?? The notion of individualism became important during the Renaissance as artists sought public recognition and reputation. Artists and nobles represented their identity with choices in dress and behavior, a process known as self-fashioning.
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Industrial Revolution
  • quizL the 19th century transition in many countries from an agrarian economy to one dominated by machine manufacturing
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  • quizL the emphasis is on an industrialized economic system
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  • quizL Realists wanted to portray the realistic consequences of the Industrial Revolution, which exposed the large differences between the wealthy and the working classes. Industrialism in England and the United States, especially, was a subject for Realist artists and writers, who were focused on the difficult working conditions brought about by industrialization. Later in the period, Realists also tackled the issues of inequality and oppression caused by imperialism and colonialism.
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  • quizL central figure of Christianity whose life and teachings form the basis of the religion ; considered to be the Son of God by Christians
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  • quizL a statue fearturing a life sized male nude in a stance where the left foot is placed ahead of the right foot
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  • quizL This virtue concerns the treatment of money, and the two extremes are described as stinginess and wastefulness. Liberality is the desirable middle ground
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linear perspective
  • quizL the creation of the illusion of depth based on the fact that parallel lines or edges appear to converge and objects appear smaller as the distance between them and viewer increases
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  • quizL the use of reason, and it could be in the form of deduction or induction, or both.
  • quizL thinking in a linear, step by step manner about ideas or problems
  • quizL The Enlightenment valued logical thinking, following formulas based on facts in order to arrive to a conclusion.
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  • quizL a stringed instrument similar to a harp
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lyric poetry
  • quizL poems that use rhyme scheme as a cohesive element and are often set to music, express feelings rather than political or historical events
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  • quizL a polyphonic vocal work, usually written for four or five voices, setting a pastoral poem to music, performed without instumental accompaniment and intended for secular use
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  • quizL Aristotle suggests that to obtain this virtue, one must be worthy of greatness and possess the desirable qualities of all virtues.
  • ?? check that his matches
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  • quizL An extension of Liberality, this virtue concerns sharing greater amounts of wealth, and the extremes on either side of the desirable mean can be thought of in terms of set amounts: offering an insultingly small amount of wealth or offering such a large amount that it is perceived as vulgar or tasteless.
  • ?? are we sure this should not be munifience?
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major themes of the Renaissance
  • quizL Humanism, rationalism, individualism, expansion of university, The Protestant Reformation, rebirth of Classicism
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Major themes that emerged from the Classical Period
  • quizL balance ,,, truth ,,, reason ,,, democracy ,,, republic ,,, polytheistic ,,, humanism
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  • quizL a dualistic religion system with Christian, Gnostic and Eastern elements founded by the Iranian profet Mani
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  • quizL having to do with a seafaring population
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  • quizL a social, political and economic philosophical theory developed by Karl Marx that highlights the role class conflict plays in the development of different social systems over time. Marxists believe that capitalist systems will inevitably be overthown because of social unrest
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  • quizL the size, shape, and volume of forms; also a vocal composition including the sung portions of the Roman Catholic liturgy, primarily in Latin
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  • quizL the belief in one god or almighty deity; religion based on one supreme god
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  • quizL in music - a brief but recognizable recurring fragment of a melody. ,,, In art and literature - a recurring feature of dominant theme
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  • quizL goddesses of inspiration for literature, art, and science
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  • quizL the practice and belief in spirituality and forming a connection to spiritual life through personal experience
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Mysticism and the Occult
  • quizL Romantic artists borrowed figures and settings from the Classical Period and the Middle Ages, inspired by the ancient Greek and Roman polytheistic pantheon and the movement of mysticism during the Middle Ages. The Gothic movement in art, architecture, and literature embodied this fascination with spirituality, intrigue, and horror.
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  • quizL the body of myths belonging to a culture, the study of myths
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  • quizL traditional stories of a people or culture that serve to explain some natural phenomenon, the origin of humanity, or customs or religious rites
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  • quizL a variant of patriotism charactorized by intense loyalty to a particular nation and its defining values and features
  • quizL Due to key events like European colonialism, the French Revolution, and the establishment of the United States, many Western countries sought to distinguish their identities, leading Romantic artists to express their national identities with pride through their works.
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natural selection
  • quizL the natural process by which certain biological traits fade away or grow through the reporductive success of failure of the individuals that have that trait; a term coined by Charles Darwin to illistrate that certain traits are better suited for certain environments than others
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  • quizL a concept among Romantic writers, –Returning to nature as a state of ideal purity was a way to remove the corruption of the centuries of human institutions.
  • quizL Many Romantics found wisdom and solace in the natural world and sought to represent the strange emotions that occur when encountering the sublime.
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  • quizL art movement of the 18th century that drew on Greek and Roman art for models of harmony, idealized realism, and reason
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Nicomachean Ethics
  • quizL discuss the ethical obligations of a person, serving as a guide for how a person should best live. These books take ethical theory a step further, stating that the concepts should be translated into practical action.
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  • quizL matters involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers, or some secret knowledge of them
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  • quizL a fully produced, multi sectional workfor the theater whose text (libretto) is primarily sung by soloists and a chorus and is accompanied by an orchestra
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optimism of Gottfried Leibniz
  • quizL a longer work of fictional prose that presents the struggle of a main character or characters against a situation
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optimism of Gottfried Leibniz/metaphysical optimism
  • quizL belief that the universe and everything in it was the best possible one that God could have created
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  • quizL ???
  • ?? Natural laws that Enlightenment thinkers believed should guide the structure of civilized life
  • ?? Enlightenment thinkers and leaders sought to design political and social order that reflected natural laws and God's will.
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papal infallibility
  • quizL Roman Catholic doctrine that states the Pope cannot err when speaking of faith or morality because of divine guidance
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  • quizL the evocation of strong, irrational emotion
  • quizL Romantic artists explored the full spectrum of uninhibited human emotion and generally favored the strong sentiments of affection, sorrow, and romantic longing over the rational and logical. ,,,
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  • quizL the technique of appealing to the emotion of the audience.
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  • quizL a term used to refer primarily French Enlightenment philosophers who championed reason over faith
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  • quizL any method of producting an image by using the action of light on a light-sensitive medium such as a film or a sensor
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  • quizL a school of photgraphy that applied soft focus, special filters and lens coatings, darkroom manipulation, and innovative printing processes to try to match the aesthetic effects of painting and printmaking
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  • quizL a belief in multiple gods; religion based on more than one god
  • quizL one card is blank for this entry.
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  • quizL horizontal lintel are held up by verticle posts
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  • quizL art movement of the late 19th century, while influenced by Impressionism, emphasized a greater concern for expression, structure, form, and emotional response
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  • quizL Christian theological concept that the course of one's life including all choices one will make is already completly determined by an all powerful all-knowing God
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  • quizL the steady march of advancements made in certain intellectual areas that allow the human race to develop and grow
  • ?? The progress of human knowledge and society was an important goal for Enlightenment intellectuals.
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  • quizL launguage that flows naturally as opposed to launguage that flows to the beat of a rythm
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Protestant Reformation
  • quizL Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses challenged the doctrine of papal infallibility and rejected the Catholic Church as a necessary intermediary between the faithful and God
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  • quizL a point of view that emphasizes the role of reason, over the senses, in gaining knowledge.
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Rationalism/Scientific Expansion
  • quizL a point of view that emphasises the role of reason, over the senses, in gaining knowledge
  • quizL Many people in the Renaissance embodied a strong interest in rationalism and scientific inquiry, leading to deeper understanding of the world and technological developments in such areas as medicine, transportation, and warfare.
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  • quizL movement during the 2nd half of the 19th century that emphasized objective portrayals of the world with a critique of the established social and political order in response to idealized Romantic art and literature
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  • quizL the thought and formation of judgments based on a logical process
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Rebirth of Classicism
  • quizL During the Renaissance, there was a rebirth of classical ideals, mainly humanism, rationalism, and balance, based on the belief that classical literary, scientific, and philosophical works provided additional resources for learning and living.
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  • quizL a movement started by Martin Luthur to reform Western Christianity over doctrinal issues and the authority of the Pope that lead to the creation of Protestantism 14th -17th centuries
  • quizL Reformation took place in the form of Protestantism, sparked by Martin Luther's outspoken disagreement with many Church practices he believed were corrupt. Overall, reformation of the Roman Catholic Church was a very significant movement in the Renaissance that separated it from the Middle Ages.
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  • quizL A period in Western history 14th - 16th centuries marked by a revival of interest in culture. The overall atmosphere of change during the Renaissance proved conducive to artistic experimentation and innovation.
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Renaissance Man
  • quizL an individual with broad knowledge and versatile talents spanning many intellectual and artistic disciplines
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reversal of fortune
  • quizL moment in a tragedy when the main characters situation dramatically shifts to the contrary
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  • quizL a fundamental dramatic shift in organizational structure that occurs over a short period of time
  • quizL (neo-classical period) Progress, emphasis on reason, and philosophical advancements led to political revolution throughout the Western world, especially in the American colonies and France.
  • quizL Romantics generally supported revolution against tradition, political reform that would grant rights to oppressed groups and equality for all.
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  • quizL late Baroque artistice style that was lighter and more playful and used ornate decoration, pastel colors and asymmetrical arrangement of shell-like curves
  • quizL--
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  • quizL humor used to ridicule human vices; also a literary genre in which human or individual weaknesses or shortcomings are shown by means of ridicule, derision, irony, or other methods, often with the intent to expose or correct
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  • quizL a form of comedy - check this, unless alternate spelling of satire, this is wrong.
  • ?? one of a class of lustful, drunken woodland gods. In Greek art they were represented as a man with a horse's ears and tail, but in Roman representations as a man with a goat's ears, tail, legs, and horns. from late Middle English: from Old French satyre, or via Latin from Greek saturos .
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Scientific materialism
  • quizL the belief that physical reality, as seen through the natural sciences, is all that truly exists
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  • quizL the process of fashioning one's sense of self and public persona according to a set of socially acceptable standards
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sight gags
  • quizL humor depicted by sight, no words
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Silk Road
  • quizL an overland route from Constantinople from Beijing used in the trade of silks and spices between Europe and the Far East; eventually blocked by Ottoman Empire and travel by sea became more popular
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six essential elements of drama
  • quizL plot ,,, character ,,, diction (language) ,,, thought (theme) ,,, spectacle (visual elements) ,,, music (aural elements).
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  • quizL Greek philosophical school that maintained human knowledge was limited and uncertain and probability of correct morality was enough for acting in a moral fashion
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  • quizL comedy that is largely physical; over exaggerated motions and expressions
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Slave narratives
  • quizL published account of former American slaves who related the hardships and injustices of slavery
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Socratic Method
  • quizL Analytical method developed by Greek philosopher Socrates that asks a progression of questions in pursuit of the truth
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  • quizL speech by the character in a drama expressing his innermost thoughts heard by the audience but not any other character
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  • quizL an extended multi-movement work generally for a solo instrumentalist
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  • quizL a lyric poem of 14 lines usually written in iambic pentameter with a set scheme
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  • quizL a quality of greatness or vastness that is beyond calculation, comparison or imitation, often invoked with reference to nature
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  • quizL the use of a symbo,l object or image to represent something else (that is, a concept or idea)
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  • quizL a full orchestral work usually in four movements
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The Book of the Courtier (1528) by Baldasarre Castiglione
  • quizL one of the first popular texts to mandate socially accepted etiquette.
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the Roman Republic
  • quizL featured the separation of powers with two elected consuls who headed the government; founded 509 BCE
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  • quizL a drama with an unpleasant ending involving the downfall of a flawed protagonist, which often involves catharsis
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tragic irony
  • quizL when the audience and a few select characters know the outcome before the main characters
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  • quizL a drama that mixes elements of tragedy and comedy, usually has a happy ending
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  • quizL philosphical movement during the Romantic Period that emphasized feeling over reason and the role of the individual finding an intuitive relation to the universe through solitude and nature
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  • quizL that which is indisputably factual
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  • quizL the accurate and genuine reality of the world/using logic to analyze natural and psychological phenomena.
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  • quizL the ethical approach that emphasizes pragmatic ethical decisions for the greater good
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viola da gamba
  • quizL a stringed instument, the base of the viol family, with the aproximate range of the cello
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Western Schism
  • quizL the period (1378 - 1470) when there were two papacies, one in Rome and one in Avignon
  • wikiP split within the Roman Catholic Church which lasted from 1378 to 1417. Three men simultaneously claimed to be the true pope. Driven by politics rather than any theological disagreement, the schism was ended by the Council of Constance (1414–1418).
  • ?? Also: Papal Schism, Great Western Schism, Great Schism
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  • quizL ???
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